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Dr.Nadhan was being pulled to the corridor from an OT and he started hitting the nurse and doctors around him so hard. He was shouting, though the video had no sound it was obvious. No wonder he was bared Rishi thought.

His thoughts went out to Shruthi her Ex abusive boy friend. "I'm gonna kill him". He remembered how distant she was on the morning after. He himself had been rough and wild with her. His pent up lust and anger and the alchol made him an animal. 'Maybe i reminded her of him' he thought.

All the time when he used to think about her he wanted their first time to be Romantic and slow with lot of teasing and laughing and playing but that evening turned out to be different & totally out of his control.

Playing the thought in his mind made him want to be near her. It has been a day and she hasn't called or messaged him. 'Yeah why would she? may be she is on the run', he thought
He called her and messaged her but no response. He tracked her number and it showed that the phone was is his house.

Her mobile was among the lawn decorations in a box that was to be returned later in the evening.

'Brilliant', he thought 'or was she careless', his brain and heart refused to settle at one point so he decided to pay Nadhan a visit.


"Where is Dad?" Shruthi asked the helpers of her mom.

"He is on his way mam we have informed"

"When? how did this happen?"

"She was watching news and saw you. The to be bride of Sk's son and this happened",Shekar her mom's brother spoke up.

"Shekar uncle I'm sorry I didn't know", Shruthi almost broke down.

"She thought you were caught in a scam, that you were threatened by Sk and family to get to your father. Poor, Poor Sowdhamini who would she worry about you or your dad?" Shekar was angry.

"Why are you doing this to yourself child", he hugged his niece who was crying.

"So that no other family suffers", she said inbetween the sobs.

"Don't cry you must be strong for others if you break everyone will lose", Shekar consoled her

"Let her cry Shekar, the girl has too much inside her let it all go out she will feel much better," Varshini interrupted "Thinks she is strong, if she doesn't cry her Dad taught her", she scuffed.

It took 3 hours for Shruthi to become normal. When her mom was conscious Shruthi went to visit her And the first thing she said was Mom "I'm fine nothing to worry," her mom smiled.
"what have you been eating mom, Mac & cheese and Pizza with double cheese? oh dear God you must seen your blocks" she tried cheering up her mom

All her mom asked was "Where is your husband?"

"Husband! naah mom I'm not married"

"engagement means..",her mom took her time

"Yeah I know, Engaged means half married.Now why are you asking for mine? when you must be asking for your's", Shruthi asked

Sowdhamini saw the blush in her daughters face when she was talking about Rishi. That made her happy.

After her Dad arrived Her mom felt rejuvenated. Shruthi always admired the Love her parents shared. It was not the words they shared but the way they respected each other, their level of understanding and just being there for each other was all Love for them. Somehow Shruthi felt her mind wandering towards Rishi. Whenever or Wherever she heard the word 'darling' she equated it to Rishi

When shruthi was having her lunch the next day she heard someone call her.
"Oh my God how long has it been",Pooja hugged shruthi

"Pooja hey", Shruthi was excited asked

"You are alive? woow and you didn't contact any of us?"Pooja was angry

"Hey I moved to Tamilnadu after the whole incident", Shruthi told her once good friend.

"They arrested Ritesh, was he involved in anyway with your.... you know abduction", Pooja whispered

"Yeah he was paid by the goons to take me to a secluded spot so the abduction was easy," Shruthi gave a sad smile.

"nearly Four and a half years and seeing you in one piece gives me pleasure, I will try to keep my excitement within myself" Pooja hugged her "come sit with us", she pulled shruthi to her table along with her colleagues.


"I have an eye for these broken women, I take them, mend them and throw them back to the society as a strong women. So I see you picked one of my dolls" Nadhan spoke with an air of authority to Rishi.

"I have come to ask you what you know about her?"

"Nothing other than she is a doctor. That bitch was sneaky, she had no friends from school or from Undergrad just very few from Her post graduation. Don't know who her dad or mom is. Wouldn't tell me a word, but would bear any amount of pain. Oh that always gave me an arousal"

Rishi felt his blood boil he wanted to crush the low lifes skull with his bear hands.

"I think it was her plan to report me to That Witch, did you know actually there was no cctv in that corridor, it was her idea to pull me out of that OT, I wasn't even high on that day,"Nadhan was now complaining.

"So tell me, Do you get aroused by seeing those scars?" Nadhan looked deep into Rishi's eyes and started to laugh "You haven't fucked her yet? well thats because of her insecurities about her scars, I gave her a few it just adds fun to those boring scars, When you strip her remember the tik tak toes are mine. You will love the way she will...." Before he could finish Nadhan felt thunder and Lightning strike him.

Rishi answered his phone wiping blood off his hand "Hey Dave, whats new

"Where is Shruthi now?" He asked

"No idea", Rishi told Dave

"Where is your Moms bangle?"

"What are you getting at Dave?"

"Answer me", Dave sounded serious

Rishi was silent for a moment "I gave it to Shruthi,& she has gone to visit a family member who is unwell, I hope".

"You Dwagg! you proposed to the criminal you are investigating damn thats illegal and hawtt", Dave laughed

"Come on Dave!what have you got?"

"Well your girl is at Medicare hospital Gurgaon"

"What?" Rishi was shocked

"I ran her name there was no hit. So I ran her facial recognition in Facebook and Instagram. I got two hits, one I'm not sure about, because it was an old school picture from one Kendra Vidhyalaya Delhi, and the other one was posted a few hours back. A picture of Shruthi in the background at The hospital. I thought she robbed you and ran away for when I zoomed in, I found your moms bangle in her hand. Now tell me what happened there? Time to celebrate?"there was a mocking tone in his voice

"Thanks Dave, just send me the pics, will catch up later",and he cut the call.

One more day and if she doesn't turn in he knew where to find her.

THE RICH DOCTOR VS THE WITCH DOCTORWhere stories live. Discover now