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Vimal and Prashanth were working on the leads they got. Vimal was following the two guys who used to transport cargo. He was waiting for the right time to strike.

Prashanth got hold of the R&D stocks book. HE had the exact date of the check outs but there was nothing present. He held his head in between his hands for he had struck a dead end.

"Whats going on?" Mercina walked in

"Dead end", Prashanth explained

"Buddhu! do you think it would be checked out. Didn't you see how they transported it, it was sneaked out. check for the stocks"

"Check ins? But check for what?" he asked

"These are the extra chemicals that are present, in The malfunctioning EM fort, see if these are checked in or in stock"

Prashanth's eyes widened as he checked the stock book "Look!", he showed Mercina

The ingredients were brought every month in small amounts of 100 to 50gms.

"What the hell!" Prashanth said aloud.

"Thats a clever move", she said "They buy the ingredients in small amounts, mix it here and secretly sneak it into the industry."

"We need to catch them in action" Prashanth said

"Check how much is left in stock"

5 to 6 of the chemicals are still in store. rest has been checked out by dr.Shilpa and dr.Malathy

"Let's keep an eye on them", they decided.

"Hey Prashanth, today evening I was thinking,uhmmm... know, that I could go out for sometime alone", She asked him

"I will take you there to see shruthi. I will also be there Ri and Vimala and Sam will be there. The session is recorded and we can Live stream it", Prashanth told her

Mercina felt bad she stood there not saying anything

"Hey Messey, it's okay we all have our secrets, unless it's out come is good" He kissed her "Go now we have work to do"

"Thank you for understanding",she kissed him back.


By 6pm Vishwanath arrived along with Dr.Sulaiman and Varshini

Varshini hugged Shruthi, "I'm proud of you, We are here for you", she said

Dr.Sulaiman and Shruthi walked into the Gym, "Lara will accompany us soon, till then relax Himanthika",he said

"Can you just call me Shruthi, the name itself freaks me",she sounded nervous

"Alright shruthi then"

Meantime Lara was briefing Rishi Vishwanath and Varshini "Anything that pops into your mind while she is recalling the events please note it down. It would be helpful to fill in the gaps.
Rishi Do you want to come in?"Lara asked

"I will sit with them", he said

Ri, Vimal, Sam, Prashanth and Mercina arrived

"What are these people doing here?" Lara asked

"We would like to offer our support to her",Ri answered

"Thats bullshit, what support? do you know..", Lara was irritated

"Lara it's okay",Rishi said

"Fine but keep yourself to the guest room, when she comes out, she should not get a feeling that it was a fucking circus", Lara stormed out.

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