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She was not any where to be found. He checked his cameras, he checked all the rooms he didn't find her. Her phone was by her bedside. He ran downstairs calling security

"Where is she?" he asked

"Madam has gone out sir, with the cook", he said

Rishi called Mohanan he did not pick up the phone 'Shit where hell are they?' he went to get his car key, when he heard a car pulling up in front

Shruthi walked in with two bags, followed by Vimal and Mohanan carrying bags of groceries and fruits and vegetables

"Where the hell did you go?" Rishi shouted at her

Vimal and Mohanan took defensive positions.

"Shopping, Duh! can't you see", She replied cooly

"Neither mohanan nor I, know what to cook with maida and thyme and rosemary and bread and pasta, so I went to get things what normal indians eat."

"You got to have informed me"

"You were deep asleep, I didn't want to disturb you and moreover I'm a bit free today", she said arranging the things And directing Anu and Mohanan. Vimal stood there not knowing what to do.

Rishi just pulled her Closer and hugged her "don't ever do this again", he said Shruthi could feel his heart beating very fast

"Fine I wont", she tried to move away. Rishi held her by her hip "Can i get my morning coffee", he asked her "and one for Vimal too", he asked Mohanan

"Sure, sure sir, on the way", Mohanan said keeping the Milk on stove.

"Rishi don't you Remember the no physical contact clause?" Shruthi whispered

"Yeah but that's during our private time, this is Public", he said pointing the three other people present.

"Let me get my things sorted out",Shruthi pulled herself from him and with the help of Anu she started her work.

"Why are you in a separate room?" Anu asked

"Huh... we are not yet married and i love a little privacy", Shruthi tried to avoid further conversation

"I don't understand, then why are you in the same house?" Anu asked again

"I think it would be best, if it's more work and less talking", Shruthi said with a smile

"Doctorae.. I'm leaving", she heard Vimal

"Stay for breakfast", Shruthi called out from above

"No Doctorae, Ri will be waiting bye", He said

"Vimal if you have a minute, come with me to the garage", shruthi heard Rishi

"There is a garage?" She asked Anu

"Yes mam outside near the gym"

Shruthi had not explored the grounds of the house so she decided to follow the guys

"Take any Car you want anytime. just leave out the vintage ones. Feel free to check them out so you will know which one will be comfortable for you", Rishi was telling Vimal

Vimal smiled "Thank you, I love all these cars and I understand you don't want her to be driven around in a Maruthi Alto", he pointed to his car

Rishi laughed "you got my point right. how about you and Ri shifting to the guest house Shruthi would feel comfortable",
Shruthi heard Rishi say as she was walking towards the Garage.

"That would increase the vulnerability more, it would be hard to.. "

"What vulnerability?" Shruthi asked

THE RICH DOCTOR VS THE WITCH DOCTORWhere stories live. Discover now