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"Do you think that Shruthi knows who you are?" Ri asked Vimal resting her head on his chest

"She does, i think,she has a sharp eyes", Vimal was playing with her Curls "Why do you ask Ri?"

"Are you really going to take up on Rishi's offer?"

"To do the actual work I was assigned to do yes I will gladly take it. Whats in your mind babes? talk to me", he said kissing the top of her head

"From all that has happened, I don't know who is actually behind everything, but they are also observing our moves. I don't want anyone, be it you Or Shruthi to be in a life or death situation",Vimal felt Ri's fears from her heart beating next to his skin

"Ri look at me I need you to understand that, My job is to see that Shruthi is safe", he was hesitant to say the next sentence that he had a thousand times said before with ease. It was love for the Doe eyed Dame that made him stammer. "Even if it is putting my life in the line of danger", he finally said it and felt warm tears of Ri wet his chest

"Ri why do you assume the worst?" Vimal asked "do you not trust me. You off all should know what I'm capable off", his hands started to tease her

"Stop it Vimal, stop let us finish what we were talking", she said squirming trying to stand her ground and failing she gave in giggling as passion took over fear and uncertainty.


Rishi had rehearsed a lot in mind to talk with her during the flight back home. But as soon as the flight took off she was fast asleep. Hooking her hands around his arms the same way she did with mom and dozed off.

'She trusts me, but doesn't want to acknowledge it or she herself doesn't know about it' Rishi thought.
Rishi had to devise a new plan to make Shruthi abide by his rules so he can keep her safe. Given her stubbornness she would deny and challenge him back if he were to order her or ask her politely. It must be as if it was all her idea.

"Why are you so adorable?" he whispered in her ears and she snuggled closer to him.

On landing she woke up and pulled away from him. "Why did you snuggle closer to me? maintain your distance",she said to him and he laughed

"Let's go", he signalled to her to get into his car

"No way I'm getting a cab"

"You said we would talk about something on your return, so lets talk business" Rishi said.

"Fine I'm coming, because I left my phone at your house", she said with a frown on her face

"You will be moving here with me, so I keep an eye on you", Rishi informed her on reaching the house

"Not possible", she said

"This goes out," he put before her printed pictures of her bugging the house "Vishwanath's daughter spying illegally" Rishi leaned on a table and looking at her straight into her eyes.

She was deep in thoughts. "What else?" she asked

"Thats all the rest you decide", Rishi through the ball into her court

Shruthi sat down thinking deeply after 15 minutes she spoke up
"I need a separate room, You cannot interfere in any of my dealings, no spying on me, I will come and go the time of my choosing mostly it will be according to cases at the hospital", She paused

"Is that it?"

"Ahh.. No one more thing... Ahhh.. No physical contact between us", She said without looking at him.

"There is a cook and a housekeeper and a security, Vimal will be your driver when I'm not around, no taking Cabs. There are cameras in every room but you will have your privacy I promise. Regarding your last condition the Physical contact, in private its your wish, in public its my wish. Agreed? he asked

Shruthi took time to process "Agreed!" she said

"Im sending a team to get your things from your home,choose a room from upstairs come on", he lead her upstairs
She choose the room which once used to be Rishi's

He then introduced her to the new cook Mohanan and his wife Anu who is incharge of housekeeping

"You used to be on that tea stall",Shruthi asked confused

"Yes! sir liked my cooking so gave me job here", he smiled

"Ohh ok"

"Darling you must be tired, go take rest I need to take care of somethings at The Miracle I will catch up later", Rishi said

"No I need to go to the hospital its been 4 long days since I was on leave I would like to go", Shruthi said.

"Ok then let me drop you and will pick you up when you are finished", Rishi dropped her at the hospital and drove off.


TWo women were teasing Shruthi "How did you land this great guy", Ri asked

"Come on Ri not you, You know me."

"Ah.. well we know you, thats why we are asking you, When did you fall for him?" the other woman asked

"I did not, its just to find out the details about what he has on Me tge Witch doctor, thats all",Shruthi shrugged

"Ohh yeah!so you need to sleep with him?" Ri teased

"Ahh yes, she said dinner and it ended up in engagement and now shes moving in with him whats next",the other teased

"Girls come on, please!" Shruthi begged

"No! You tell us are you doing with no passion involved purely business?"Ri asked

"Fine I give up! Please let me do my work."

"No we need details", they both stood firm.

When i first saw him at the cafe I did not have any business of going his way but i purposely went in the line of his eyesight. The bump was truly accidental I promise but when he called me a slut I lost it, Meeting him at the hospital was like woow Destiny then when i learned he already had a girl friend i moved away i really did".

When she paused her friends held her hand

"I went to his house to bug it, but he told me he had broken off with his girlfriend and i just lost it, and the rest is in media".

"This Witch doctor fell in love with The actual Rich doctor",They both teased again

"Ohh please grow up", Shruthi was blushing

"What to do with this deep undercover agent",Ri said pointing at the other woman

"Let she be buried deep in there will come in handy someday", Shruthi answered

"Why did you ask her to be your rival even after you both patched up?" Ri asked

"So that even if i get caught someone can keep doing the work and no one will suspect her", Shruthi answered

"Plus when you are known as arch rivals, the information you gain on each other is immense", The other woman informed

"True that", shru agreed

"Now now I have a very big meeting to attend with my future mother in law, please change my bandages and get me a colourful sling please", She imitated Urvashi and the three laughed.

"Will soon find out who did this to you Merci. stay safe", Shruthi re bandaged Mercina with help of Ri

"So do you both trust your men?" Ri asked

"When it comes to family everyone becomes emotional. so we don't trust them fully",Mercina said.

"Then whom do you trust?"

"We trust each other & now you",Shru & Mercina said together.

THE RICH DOCTOR VS THE WITCH DOCTORWhere stories live. Discover now