Chapter 4

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"You going anywhere?" sister Mary asked shruthi

"No! why?"

"You are dressed up"

"I was reeking of sweat and Poseidon asked me to freshen up if i'm to dictate to him his work", Shruthi shrugged

"He has some strong beef against you. What is the history?" Sister Mary asked.

"Nothing", Shruthi lied.

Though a pure soul totally dedicated to her work sister Mary was someone who cannot keep a simple secret. At 50 years of age Mary was a symbol of Hope she gave her 100% for the job she loved so much. Mary always considered herself as mother Hen she has protected many of the nurses and junior doctors from angry patients or their relatives, from the so called romeo doctors and Even from the Rich doctor.

Shruthi and Ri felt safe under her wings. The reason Ri was not affected by the Rich doctors touch was because Of Mary whom he himself was afraid off.


Shruthi felt Lost she felt as if the walls were closing on her. She needed a walk.

It was nearly 11.30pm so she decided to walk around the blocks of the hospital which was safer. She heard laughter coming from the top floor. She stood listening to the chatter it was clear it was Rishi the other voice of a female it was faint but that laughter she could guess but she wanted to confirm So she rushed in waiting near the stairs waiting for the women to come out.

She guessed right it was her, her Arch Nemesis, doctor.Mercina! the assistant to the Head of Neurological department. Shruthi slowly ascended the stairs going towards the psych OPD.

Rishi saw Shruthi from his Room and bid Mercina a good night and rushed towards his Opd

Mercina was watching them from the 4th floor her eyes were of a eagle scanning them, just before the Opd door was closing she saw Shruthi giving her the Finger. "That Bitch", she muttered she could sense many eyes watching her secretly so she left.

"You clean up well doctor Shruthi, I thought you will still be in your scrubs. Happy that you dressed up for me", He joked

Shruthi looked uninterested

"I get it You have a man", he signaled her to sit

She couldn't control her smile thinking of his foolishness

"Tell me Dr.Shruthi why are you angry at me? If anyone must be angry it must be me, my shirt still has coffee stains".

The direct question threw her off balance.

"You don't like to be appreciated or recognized dont you doctor.Shruthi?" This was a second blow he seemed to have read her correctly now it was time to throw him off her scent

"You called me a fucking slut! and me finding bombay O is nothing to be recognized, its what doctors do and you blew it up out of proportion, made a scene, and now I'm on the receiving end of something which doesn't even look like appreciation", she orchestrated her words carefully.

"Well I'm sorry Dr.Shruthi, Sorry for swearing at you and Sorry for considering what you did as an achievement"

Shruthi was again at crossroads. SHE wanted to hate this guy and he kept coming back with things that was opposite of hate. A man so masculine
a near 6 feet bottle of testosterone asking for forgiveness was making it harder and harder for shruthi to hate Rishi

"Its okay", was all she could come up.

Rishi looked at her looked into her eyes "Just okay?" he asked

THE RICH DOCTOR VS THE WITCH DOCTORWhere stories live. Discover now