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"Uru, go easy on Shruthi please",Sk held his wife's hand before she could start the day "They will leave after tea till then.." he pleaded

"I hate that girl, I try not to show it but you three are smitten by her Wits. All this reminds me of... ",& she stopped and looked at her husband "That is the same reason you like her and Rishi has fallen for her isn't it?"

"I had no idea that you hated Neela so much", Sk tried to hide his shock.

Urvashi understood her husbands mind, "My Love its not the hate towards Neelima, its the insecurities that I have deep down. When ever i see that bangle in her hand it reminds me of how Poor I was." Urvashi covered her face with her hands. "How hard we had to work to come to this place it was easy for the rich",Sk stood watching her

"Like it or not, Shruthi will be Rishis wife, I pleaded you before now its an order, behave!" and He walked away.

Uru was now determined to break them up.


"Tell me when you are planning to get married?" Sk asked his two sons

"Today! if she agrees", Rishi laughed. His laugh was from deep within, heartfelt. Sk held his hand "ask her now, maybe you can get married today, here"

"Dad I was just kidding!"

"Wait! Bro are you blushing?" Prashanth pointed Rishis face "Dad look!"

Sk Held Rishis hands " I'm sorry, I'm sorry that I was not there for you when you needed me. I was blinded by ambition, a lust for power and wealth, but Neela did not have that ambition, Uru saw that in me and encouraged me, So I deviated, I'm to be blamed. I had the guilt deep down my heart that is why I couldn't appreciate You Prashanth", The old man wanted to pour his heart out all that he had kept all buried deep down. Rishi and Prashanth sat on either side of their Father, they let him continue for they have been wanting to hear this for a long time.

"I really didn't miss Neela because she was there for me throughout, at least as a silent patner, That was her way of telling me that she still loved & cared for me, But the day I knew that she will never be around broke me, the ambitious Sk died too. I felt empty I started to miss her, I have never been truthfull to Neela or Uru or to myself and its too late for me to redeem it now. You both learn from my mistakes," Sk didn't want to stay there anymore he needed to be alone

"Dad! thank you" Rishi said hugging him

"Thank Shruthi", Sk said just waving his hand and not turning back


Uru called them all excitedly "Look we are in the papers"

The paper did a Sunday special on The Miracle group, with Special mention on expanding the ovum banks in India and their drive to create awareness of donating eggs and also freezing of the ovum.

Shruthi gave Mercina a meaningful look.

"Where are the men of the house?"Uru asked

"Mrs.Sk this is really a great idea Ovum banks, woow! Sk is truly a visionary", Shruthi praised Sk

"Visionary! ufff",Uruvashi scuffed "He has no idea on this, I was a nurse before I had Prashanth and I know a bit about it when I heard Malathy talk about Ovum banks once, I decided to patner up with international companies and now look how we have grown", Uru's statement gave Shruthi a great break in her stagnant investigation.

"Look!" shruthi showed the Paper to Rishi when he walked into the room. He threw the paper down and Urvashis face turned Red which Mercina noted. Rishi kissed Shruthi in front of them all & carried her and did a full circle

Shruthi's face turned pink "Thank You Darling!" Rishi seemed to ignore the surroundings and he refused to let her down

"Put me down Rishi", Shruthi tried to get free

"I don't care, you are mine and I would do what ever I wish to do to you", He whispered in her ear nibbling it

"Guys get a room", Prashanth walked in breaking the spell

"Have some manners Rishi! this is not the way to behave", Urvashi had reached a saturation point and she murmured something and went into the kitchen.

Prashanth came to Shruthi "can I give you a hug", he asked. Shruthi was hesitant she looked at Mercina at first then at Rishi. Mercina gave an affirmative eyebrow lift. Rishi stood there watching her with a smile. Shruthi opened her arms and Prashanth hugged her lightly "Thank you, Thank you! so much I did have my doubts about you, but now You are family."

"Why are you all thanking me I didn't do anything", she said

"You actually broke our Dad's silence will tell you later in detail" Rishi told her.

Urvashi felt that her importance at the house was depleted and Shruthi was gaining importance, She needed to reel them all in.

On their way back Rishi & Shruthi stopped at the Miracle where Shruthi was greeted by Sister.Mary and other doctors and nurses. Rishi left her with them and went to finish some work.

"You knew who he was didn't you?" Shruthi asked Mary

"I gave you clues you didn't pick it up"

"You did?"

"Yeah I called them Zeus & Poseidon that means they are brothers Duh..", Mary shrugged.

"And I assumed it totally wrong", Shruthi laughed

"How did you Land him?" A nurse asked

"Land him? from Day one she had an eye on him", Shruthi turned to see Divya standing by the doorway.

"Ignore her she was actually leaving", Mary told her.

"You are like a Bitch on heat,Shruthi you hinted me that and I didn't take you seriously. I went behind him like a lost Puppy not knowing you were sleeping with him. The same way you do where ever you go." Her words were acidic

"Stop it Divya! leave now!" Mary said

"Divya i'm sorry, I truly am, but you were into him just because he rescued you. that will slowly wither, away trust me its not Love", Shruthi tried to reason out with her.

"I don't want your explanation", she pushed Shruthi away and while trying to hold Shruthi's hair Divya pulled on to the back of Shruthis kurthi and it got torn and Divya was shocked seeing her exposed back

Shruthi soon leaned on the wall trying to hide her dignity. She saw Rishi's shocked face by the doorway. Everyone did not know how to react. Rishi removed his shirt and gave it to Shruthi.

"Did you see what he does to me? Do you really want that?" Shruthi whispered to Divya on her way back Divya just shook her head.

The car ride back to home was silent except a call from Prashanth "Bro I don't think you remember what I told you, you were drunk, so I'm sending you a case file have a look"

Rishi did not feel like looking at anything, He had seen the scars on Shruthi's back 'how could someone even endure such suffering', he thought.

"Rishi! Rishi! getting down?" Shruthi called, Thats when he realized where he was. He got down and went straight to his room.

She doesn't trust me was his first thought, Nadhans face came in front of his mind. He wanted smash that bastered to death. Did he do that to his Shruthi. He wanted to ask her or should he give her time. His mind was engaged totally he saw the fax he had received, Himanthika driver's license, the picture was different from the one he received in the mail.

Shruthi took his phone and wallet and asked the bags to be kept up in the room to Mohanan. She was receiving calls from Ri who must have heard about the incident at the hospital. Shruthi wanted to be left at peace.

When Rishi's phone had a notification she opened it and read the case files sent in by Prashanth Himanthika & Neelima against EM fort, how is that even possible she checked the date it was a month before her abduction.

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