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Once SK finished his self proclaimation Rishi answered very few questions dodging the Personal ones.

"Well we are sending invites to everyone of you, for tonight's party. See you all there", Urvashi had an authoritative voice.

Shruthi heard footsteps decending the stairs. Shruthi felt like jolting out of the door and screaming that this was all a scam. But then she heard Rishi

"What the fuck is going on Dad?" he was asking in a low but stern voice

"Mind your language Rishi, you are talking to your dad"

"Fine im sorry! what's going on",she heard sarcasm in Rishis voice

"I got a tip that the Bugging is gonna come out soon in press, so I had people remove it from the Accommodation, and also I leaked to the press about you", Sk gave a low victorious laugh

"You did that?" Rishi and Shruthi were both shocked

"I need the game to be on my side. Now the press will automatically push away the Bugging story and concentrate on you, they did as I predicted. I know that deep down you are happy that now you are also recognized as my son. Its a win win for both of us and that Witch losses."

"You son of a bitch", shruthi mouthed. She remembered her dads words "be careful honey! when Sk is down on the play ground, the game always gets dirty"

She was neck deep & the shore was no where to be seen, so she decided to swim with the shark.

"Fine Son, where is Lara?" he asked

"Lara? Ohh dad its not Lara it's..",before Rishi could finish She heard Sk.

"Not Lara? Rishi! don't do the same mistake that I did. Stick with one",he said in a very low voice.

"Dad I broke up with Lara months before I came to India. I just didn't want your sympathy",Rishis voice had some uncertainty he had thoughts of how shruthi would act.

The door opened and as Shruthi walked out "Good choice my son", Sk patted on Rishis shoulder

Shruthi stood closer to Rishi hooking herself onto his elbows and leaning on him. "Hello Sir!" Shruthi said

"Welcome to the family", she heard Urvashi climbing up the stairs "Congratulations! you both, Suru is so happy to see his both sons engaged", she smiled "I'm so excited,tell me everything about it", Urvashi mimicked Shruthi and leaned on to Sk

"You want to say?"Shruthi nudged Rishi who looked like he was in shock.

"Well after she left The Miracle,I missed her so much. so I would visit her often at the triple H, got myself a part time job there, just to be with her and she came in as a surprise for my Birthday yesterday night and I proposed", he said looking into her eyes and kissed oh so softly on her forehead.

Shruthi felt like drowning in his eyes. She regained her composure, "and I said yes", she showed them her hand

Urvashis eyes widened "wow! Rishi is that..." she said

"Thats Neelimas family heirloom.When I married his mom Neela's mom removed this from her hand and made me put it on her", Sk was traveling down the memory lane.

Urvashi looked a little uncomfortable.

"Well Shruthi we will leave you both now and see you later this evening. also bring your parent, would love to meet them", saying Urvashi pulled Sk signalling to leave

"Anything you want just ask," she said

"Nothing just knock," Shruthi said smiling and Sk burst into laughter and so did Rishi and Urvashi.

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