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The procedures that must have gone calm was now in a havoc. The house had four doctors and two critically injured patients.

Vimal was sent to buy some medical and surgical supplies. The police were sent to fetch blood from the nearby blood bank.

Sam opened his eyes and saw the tears filled eyes of Shruthi. "You really think I will die without seeing what I want to", he winked.

"It's a blow to your head, just relax and stay steady I have immobilized your neck don't move. Do you hear me", Shruthi told in a stern voice.

"Go save Uru. tell your Dad sorry, I was not able to protect her. It was unexpected. I tried my best." Sam informed Shruthi

"You take rest, Uru is stable now. We are planning to shift her to a nearby hospital", shruthi slowly cut opened his shirt and wiped off the blood from his face neck and body.

"Shru! Rishi is jealous, look at him peeping", Sam Pointed at Rishi

"Shut up Sam, I will be back soon", Shruthi left the room as Rishi beckoned her


Uru refused to go to hospital. "Magistrate is here, I better say what i have to before its too late. So that it maybe my dying declaration."

"Ma don't say that", Prashanth was emotional

"Son Forgive me, for truth hurts",she said.

The inspector and the Magistrate were ready to record her statement.

"The kidnapping of Himanthika was Sk's idea, He made other Pharmaceutical people do it so Vishwanath will abide by their rules. I was ok with this till they decided to Kill Hima." Uru was finding difficult to talk.

Shruthi started an IV drip to give Uru some strength as she was losing blood they suspected internal haemorrhage because of the stab wound. A blood transfusion will be good at this point she thought.

"So I contacted Neelima", Uru continued. "I didn't know who to go to for Malathy I didn't trust her too."

"Why did you not believe in your husband and trust his ex wife", the lawyer asked.

"I was working for Neelima when she was developing EM Fort and I shared her passion, but when Sooraj and Malathy started to use the medicine that was suppose to cure, into something that changes a women infertile made me go against them."

The police arrived with 3 units of blood and Shruthi and Lara started to Prep her for blood transfusion. The bed was adjusted. At this point Shruthi felt bad that she can't even administer any pain killer for it will be considered as putting the person under influence.

Protecting Uru from hypovolumic shock was of prime importance.

"SK gave orders to Malathy to end Neelima. For she had a formula to reverse the EM fort induced anovulation
when I called Neelima's private number I found out Himanthika was with her. so she decided that at least one of them must live. It was carried out by three workers of our factory. The three goons Sooraj he uses them for all illegal activities."

"What can you tell us about the EM fort." the Magistrate asked

"EM Fort was a miracle medicine when given once patients never came back with any Gynecology problems so Malathy wanted to create patients for the future. They added some extra chemicals to it so that those who take it will become infertile, no ovulation. Thereby the ovum bank and embryo sales were a hit."

Uru gasped for breath her throat was dry. Prashanth gave her some water.

"I escaped from Sooraj and Malathy they had planned to kill me so I contacted Vishwanath but Sooraj's goons attacked us midway. Sam tried his best poor little guy fought the 3 men to bring me back here." Uru closed her eyes as if she was trying to gain her strength.

"Mom!" Prashanth called "why was Mercina shot at"

Tears rolled down her eyes "It was to threaten me. When ever I would threaten SK that I would expose him he would threaten to kill you. The guy was placed there not to shoot you but just threaten me. I didn't expect he would shoot. I'm sorry I tried I tried saving every life after Neelima was killed",she broke into loud sobs

"Please don't cry you will loose more blood", Rishi consoled her.

Vimal came with surgical supplies.


"This is enough to issue an warrant for arrest of Soorj, Malathy and the three goons", the Magistrate said "but the situation is difficult here."

"If she lives will take it as a witness or else as a dying declaration", he said after a deep thought.

"Get a police force to escort them to hospital", he added

The inspector made two women constable to stay with them and promised to sent some more. and he escorted the Magistrate.


Shruthi tried her best to suture Uru and stop the bleeding she tried to get her to a sterile environment but Uru refused.

"Shruthi I tried I tried my best to push you out of the family. For I didn't know a way to keep you safe. I had promised Neelima to keep you safe. But you seemed to have no recollection of Neelima ever, so I was afraid if I could trust you or tell you the truth."

Shruthi explained her condition.

Uru smiled "That explains it. You know SK and Malathy were so confused. They tried to get you to talk about Neelima, and get you to talk. They would never kill you, you were their priced Unicorn. But they may hurt your loved ones"

"When did they find out that you have drifted?"

"I openly opposed them both on murdering people but my weaknesses was in his hands Prashanth. They know I will not put his life in danger. That bangle of Neelima, you had no idea didn't you what it was. I wanted to acquire it and make the cure public. At that point, I over did it. Sooraj suspected something fishy. They had already attempted to kill Prashanth publicly so next when he threatened his life I told him the truth. I'm sorry they have it now Uru held Shruthis hands." Her hands were getting cold and calmly.

"Uru let me get you to hospital I promise there is still hope we can save you."

"I don't want to live Shruthi I want to die in the presence of you good people."

"That khadha bangle is not lost, we figured that the burglar was aiming for the bangle so it was just a drama", Shruthi told Uru.

Uru smiled genuinely "I wont be around to look at my grand daughters and grandsons then. Call Rishi! Call Rishi!", Uru seemed to remember something.


The two lady constables tried to contact their superior officer but there was no use. Their walkie talkies seemed to be fried. Their phones had no signal. They both went inside the house and locked the doors and windows from the inside.

"What's happening?" Prashanth asked them

"We maybe under some attack sir, check if your mobile has signal?"

Prashanth checked his phone it had no signal "Shit!" before he could get inside there was a loud bang on the front gate.

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