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"Sir your 10am is here", Vishwas assistant announced

"Hello! Vishwa"

"Neelima what a surprise, you here? But my appointment said someone from The Miracle"

"Yeah thats me"

"You are still partner with that cheater" Vishwas never forgave Sk

"I'm here on a business agenda, can we talk Neelima", skipped his question

"Sure what can I do for you?"

"EM fort is my formulation and I would like to apply for its patent rights." Neelima told him.

"It's yours?"

"Yes mine and all the study proves that it's safe."

"well Neels I would see to it, meanwhile how about dinner tonight my family would love to meet you. Where are you staying?"

"I have checked into Taj", she said

"Will pick you up", he said.


"Mini look who's here", Vishwas entered the house

"Hello Neela how are you? Its been ages since we met. When was it Vish?" she asked

"School alumini meet when Panda was may be 6 or 7"

"Panda why do you call her that? Thats not a pet name for a grownup", Vishwa Neelima corrected him

"Thank you! Thank you! who ever you are thank you! for telling my parents that", Himanthika came from the stairs

Neelima now knew why the name cute and rounded like a panda untamed hair and braces on her teeth

"Now you see", Vishwas told Neelima

"This is my best friend from school Neelima! she is from USA"

"Welcome aunty, she said "Woow who is that hottie she pointed out at Neelima's phone display"

"My son Rishi"

"Committed?"Hima asked

"Yeah!" Neelima replied "but if he was single I would surely get you both married", she said

"Thats so nice of you to say, but its ok I
know how I look", Hima said politely

"Whats in the look darling?" Neelima said

Hima gave a wide smile "Darling i like that"

"If I like or Love a person thats what I call them", Neelima smiled

"Lets eat", sowdhamini called

After dinner Vishwa went into his room and had some medical reports in his hands.

"Hima this is the person who developed EM fort", he said and the lively mood of the House changed.

Neelima was bewildered "whats wrong?" she asked

"take a look", Vishwa gave her Hima's medical records. It took an hour for Neelima to process it. "Look I'm an gynecologist so I can give you a hundred reasons of anovulation."

"I'm a doctor too Aunty, and i have actually tested for all the 99 reasons the other only one is medication and thus proved by my results", Hima told her

"Ok lets not get defensive or offensive and lets analyse", Neelima opened her laptop and showed them the chemical combinations of drug.

Himanthika opened her laptop and showed Neelima her research and her study on Emfort and the list of the affected.

THE RICH DOCTOR VS THE WITCH DOCTORWhere stories live. Discover now