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When everyone from cafeteria reached the lawn they saw the beam of the flood light was on the ground. The crane operator was having a seizure. As some doctors and nurses rushed to treat him Shruthi was trying to get others attention to move the beam away.

Rishi & Prashanth and many workers tried to move the beam there were workers trapped beneath. A watchman volunteered to Operate the crane. Dr.Sidharath was on the spot he pronounced two of the workers dead.

There were 4 other workers trapped three had their legs trapped, one Was Vimal he had his right ankle trapped. another guy was trapped fully below the hip and crying in pain.

Shruthi made Rishi talk to the guy
"Keep him calm get his details", she told him.

In a minute she came running back
"give me your shirt", she asked
And helped him unbutton the shirt faster He saw her tear his Olive coloured Ralph Lauren Shirt and tie it on Vimals ankle, and rushing to help the others

Rishi was talking to the 45 year old Vadivelu, trapped under the beam, trying to take his mind of the suffering.

Deep inside he prayed the Guy must live, but he was sure that the guy had very less chance, though first aid was done it was Rishi's duty to keep Vadivelu comfortable

Shruthi was arguing with Prashanth "You need to wait let me tie this guys legs, he is the last one. I have tied the others legs or else an embolus may lead to his immediate death just give me a moment", she begged Prashanth

Prashanth ignored her and gave signal to lift the beam Shruthi with all her effort tried to tie one of the leg and the other leg she held tight

Sidharth who was supervising the transport was yelling at Shruthi "Didn't you know you need to apply ligation?"

"Sorry sir I was only able to secure his one leg", She said with her head down

Ligatures were done and She was rushing behind the patients when Vimal reached out his hands to her

"The pit", he said "The pit The pit in the Lawn", he kept repeating "go check go check please go", he said

"I will send someone", she said "I promise".

She was searching for someone who can help. Everyone was busy with damage control and first aid and consoling the shocked bystanders. Prashanth was seen talking on the phone, Mary was busy. She needed someone her mind kept rushing to Rishi and she ignored it.

At a distance she saw Mercina, though they both dislike each other she was a good doctor. Shruthi was torn between being in the OT with Vimal she had promised Him no amputation or checking the Pit.

she rushed towards Mercina "Listen I need you to", Mercina looked up
"hes gone",she said pointing to Vadivelu

"There maybe someone trapped in the Pit", shruthi pointed towards the hole dug in the middle of the lawn

"Let me go check you both go do your job", She heard Rishi say and saw him run towards the pit shirtless, and Mercina staring after him.

Shruthi scrubbed in for the surgery soon Mercina joined. The emergency OT for Orthopedic surgery can accommodate 5 surgery at once, it sounded Like a mechanical shop with Bone saw and bone cutters and Drills being continuously operated to break the joints and extract the broken bones.

Arguments for & against amputations among the Orthopedic surgeons were on the raise. The neurosurgeons gave their opinion and Prashanth was always talking about whats good for the hospital. He was talking about the rehabilitation and compensations.

All shruthi did was observe and aid the surgery she made sure Vimal did not get an amputation his compound fracture was joined with screws. She tried her level best for the other two only one succeeded, one leg of a worker had to be amputed for gangrene had started to set and it was a life saving process.

"If only they not have had this flood lights", Mercina said inbetween the Conversations during surgery eyeing Shruthi with an evil smile and everyone now turned their attention to bashing the idea of the lightning the pathway

"Why did this happen Dr prashanth?" Mercina asked

"You can ask my Dad when he's here", Prashanth said sharply

"Well but who bypassed you and asked your dad?" Mercina questioned him back

"The Cons of interfering with my administration he has learned a lesson hopefully he won't again", Prashanth diverted his concentration on the patient.

"Someone must have asked for it what do you think? Shruthi!! scalpel", Mercina asked

Shruthi handed the scalpel and asked a nurse to her place and went to work under Dr.Sidharth

"Good work here doctor Shruthi we were able to save atleast 3 and their livelihoods", he complimented

A compliment from him was the rarest thing. shruthi wanted to know what had happened about the Pit that Vimal was talking about

A nurse who entered with some sterile instruments informed the OT the news of Divya, a nurse who was found in the pit unharmed and was rescued by Dr.Rishi. Since she was petite she fit right into the Hole and there was laughter in the once tensed Operation Theater.

"Ok now the main aim is to keep these guys out of infection for the next one week", Sidharth was addressing his team. "They got hurt working for the institution so lets see that they get through till they can have proper rehabilitation i trust you", he said with a smile.

It was a long day for the emergency and Surgery departments many were sleeping off their mental exhaustion some wanted a break and went out for fresh air.


Shruthi & Ridhi were talking about Vimal

"She refused to come and see him", Ridhi was talking about Arthi , Vimal's girl friend
"She just wouldn't pick up my call after that, Such a cold hearted bitch" Ri was furious

"Ri many don't take such news easily give her time",Shruthi assured

"I don't think so Hi.. ahhh Shru, she would come"Ri replied

Shru saw the concern in her friends eyes. Ri always had a soft spot for Vimal but had kept it buried deep inside.

"Ri I want you to do something for me. Tell Vimal that Arthi was there by his side and just left and keep him company when you are free ok?"

"Me ohh ok will do", Ri was both sad and happy and tried to hide her expressions

"Babe you don't have a poker face", Shruthi mocked her friend and left


Divya was shaken she saw thought she would die, She felt a strong pull towards light at the end of the tunnel. 'Thats it' she thought, but from the dampness and sand closing on her she felt fresh air hitting on her face a strong hand pulling her towards a chiseled chest.

She saw the worried face of Dr.Rishi "hey you are alright, you are fine,we will take care of you" She heard him say his voice sounded angelic. She smiled at the Ray of hope and breathed in the fresh air it had his smell.

"Vimal directed us or else we wouldn't even have looked at the hole",Shruthi was talking to Divya who was in an observation room

Divya found a hatred growing inside for Shruthi, all because of her new found craziness for Rishi
"Well if not for Dr.Rishi i would have been mummified in there", Divya said sharply

"Well he is a savior too so take rest", Shruthi took the hint from divya's voice and left her alone.

"Dr.Shruthi could you please check and book an appointment for me with Dr.Rishi for Ptsd", Divya called after her

Shruthi smiled "sure dear",she answered silly girl she thought to herself.

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