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"What is he nuts?" Vimal was shouting at Ri.

Mohanan stood at one side of the room he looked disappointed.

"We were appointed for her safety and Rishi knows that and he took her to his Farm house and Shruthi is ok with it. Then why are we here?" Vimal was paceing the room.

"I believe in Rishi", Mohanan said "Have you seen that concern that love for her in his eyes? Don't worry", he told Vimal

"That family is on the watch list, and we let her go"

"Shruthi can handle the situation Vimal honey. relax!" Ri tried to calm him

"Why on earth did she in the first place agree to stay with him? Does he know everything about her? What if he finds out that she is a witch doctor and they all decide to gang up on her?" Vimal started to think the worst possible scenarios

"Its not that easy Vimal. You have opened up to Ri for she knows who Shruthi is, so accepting your undercover was easy for her. But my wife doesn't know what I actually do. Love comes soon but trust takes a lot of time. Shruthi is far more matured for her age so don't worry." Mohanan words of experience calmed Vimal but he wanted updates every now and then so Ri kept on checking on Shruthi


Shruthi was awake through the night, was it fear or was it that she lacked the nearness of Rishi she did not know. She searched for him inside the house but he was nowhere. So she sat on her Bed waiting for the night to lead to a new dawn.

'What was I thinking he will accept me? I'm mad to even think of that. That guy needs a good wife, a happy life i can't deprive him of that' Though she kept repeating this in her mind. She was hurt deep down, 'No I don't love this guy, its just temporary, its just temporary' she had to convince herself or she might break and everything she stood for may collapse with her.

When she saw the first ray of light around 5am she stepped outside. The smell of greenery, The morning dew still falling and there was a mild screen of mist. The cold wind blowing from the North wiped her tiredness away she followed the pebble pathway that led from the house enjoying the nature.

She felt energized, the power of nature she thought and bumped into someone.
"Even you young people can't see in this Mist huh?" Sk laughed

"Im sorry sir, I was distracted by the beauty of the place" Shruthi apologized

"Call me Sk or sooraj or pops or dad or mama, not sir, please! that sounds odd I'm not your boss anymore."

"No more Sir", she said.

"Come will show you a spot you can feel and enjoy the beauty of the farm as sun rises", SK called shruthi and they both walked enjoying the morning wind.

"Where is he?" Sk asked

"Sleeping" she said

"Why didn't you sleep", he asked

"ah... I.. I.. you know new place", she shrugged

"He didn't come back at night, didn't he?" Sk asked walking ahead of her

Shruthi didn't answer

"These boys they have a hide out at the guest house, That is where they have their Secret activity like drinking, smoking even watching porn," Sk laughed.

Shruthi showed no expression

"After Neela died, Rishi started to drown his sorrow with alcohol. Poor kid just like his Mom doesn't know to express Love or hate or sorrow", he stood there for a while.

THE RICH DOCTOR VS THE WITCH DOCTORWhere stories live. Discover now