Chapter 3

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It looked like the time has frozen she couldn't find a way the wall was high she could hear sounds people have found that shes missing she had to act quick. A tree would be easier to climb and then to the other side she thought..

"I'm here shru! I'm here", the assuring words of Ri sounded to her in a distance and she fell asleep again.

When Ri and Shruthi entered the hospital they saw the nurses the junior doctors were secretly glancing the top floors.

When they looked up They saw dr.Prashant and dr.Rishi doing their rounds..

Shruthi hated Prashanth, The Rich Doctor. His eyes were never steady always wavering even during surgery, trying to pick on the weakest and the easy ones and lure them to satisfy his Godly complex.

Chief doctor at his Dad's hospital he was privileged and he knew how to use it to his advantage.

"That's strange when did the Rich doctor go for rounds?" Shruthi snorted

Tall fair and athletic built Prashanth was always the center of attraction. But today next to Rishi, Prashanth looked a bit dull. Rishi stole the show shruthi wondered. "Shut up you idiot", she scolded herself

"Look at the mount Olympus two Gods taking a stroll and while all the earthlings ogle at them, one heavenly being is wondering what Zeus and Poseidon are talking about", head Matron Mary winked at shruthi

"Not a chance sister Mary I don't care for the Gods", she replied

"Look at the oestrogen pumping, in response to two vials of testosterone", Mary joked

"Why do I feel like all eyes are on me?" Shruthi asked

"Ohh dear doctor, One of them just pointed at you", Mary pretended to look into the files

"ah.. Sister Mary just bring the updates to my room", Shruthi left knowing well that she has got the attention of the entire hospital something she was good in avoiding till Dr.Rishi showed up.

"You don't know her", Rishi asked Prashanth pointing at Shruthi

"Nope I can't even remember seeing her", came the reply

"She is a surgical resident here",

"Well she's not my type and I haven't come in contact with her ever", Prashant was clearly annoyed

"She has been your assistance in number of surgeries", Rishi pointed out Shruthi's file

"She's just not my type. By the way Rishi you have just one job here and it is not to be an RMO don't forget why you are here", Prashanth left Rishi steaming with anger

'If only you had kept your Zippers up' Rishi muttered


"Dam you Rishi", she thought "cool down cool down shru keep calm keep calm", she was trying to calm herself and concentrate . Her day was stuffed.

After two long surgeries Shruthi was able to catch her 1st break by 3pm and she decided to grab a quick lunch before her 4.30pm surgery

She wanted to be left alone she had been mocked and laughed at during the surgeries for her stunt the day before.

Vimal sat before her "what the hell doctorae you lost your cool just once and it turned out to be a Tsunami"

"My stars were not aligned properly That must be the problem", shruthi's voice was as dry as the Roti she was eating

"You need to be treated properly these people just don't understand your potential", Vimal kept talking , Shruthi gave him a cold stare and he stopped

THE RICH DOCTOR VS THE WITCH DOCTORWhere stories live. Discover now