Chapter 21

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Mr. Stump and I stare at each other for a while, before I turn to Pete. "This is your boyfriend?" Pete frowns and nods.

"Yes, why?" he asks us defensively, crossing his arms. Mr. Stump chuckles and quickly kisses Pete's cheek. "Don't worry Pete, they don't mean it like that. I am one of their teachers."

Pete's body language softens again. "I didn't know. Uhh, well, that must be awkward." I look at Mr. Stu- Patrick, and I shrug. "I can handle it. He is the only professor that believes that I'm okay. The others rant to me about it being a phase, and that I can't give in to it because it's a sin and I'll go to hell for it. Things like that. But like I said, you're okay." I say with a smile. Gerard kisses my forehead. "If you go to hell, I'll follow you baby." he smirks and I laugh.

"So, today is your birthday and I wanted to give you something special... something that makes you feel very happy, and that is why I decided that I'd take you out for shopping. Dresses, skirts, makeup, you can have whatever you want. And you'll not have to borrow my mom's clothes anymore. They look good at you, but I know that it's not your taste." Gerard says with a smile, and I can't do anything but stare at him.

"You idiot! You should not spend that much money on me!" I say, not sure what I want. I'd love to have my own clothes, but...

Gerard chuckles and he lifts my chin so I have to look into his eyes. "Jamia. Do you want clothes?"

"Y-Yes I do, but-"

"Then stop worrying about the money. Believe me, I have more than enough, and I really want to spend it on you. I can't wait to see you in your own clothes, sweetheart. It'd make me really happy." Gerard whispers softly and carresses my cheek. I bite my lips and smile a little. "Okay then." I whisper back. Just as I want to lean in to kiss him, someone bumps into me harshly, making me fall onto the ground. I hiss in pain when I feel the pavement scratch open my right elbow. "Auch..."

"Oh. Sorry. I didn't see you and you're faggot boyfriend. Seems like little Frankie really likes being a girl, uh? I bet you're a fucking slut too." someone says to me, and I immediately burst out into tears. Gerard already steps forward, but Patrick shoves him away gently, and grabs the person, who I recognize as Joe now.

"I bet you didn't see mee either?"

"M-Mr. Stump?"

"Yes. I saw what you did kid, the principal is not going to like this little move of yours."

"Oh please Sir, don't tell the principal about this, I... if he kicks me out of school, my parents will disown me... please..."

I stand up and smack Joe in his face. "You fucking asshole! You deserve to be disowned. My parents did the same to me and believe, it makes you feel very fucking miserable." I snap, and Gerard quickly wraps his arms around me, trying to calm me down and to get me away from Joe. "Sshhh, he's not worth the fight..." he whispers so only I can hear.

"Joe, the principal and I made a deal with you. You had one more chance to behave. You didn't..."

"Please Sir... I have nowhere to go... The rest of my family hates me, and my friends... well they're not the sort of friends who help me out when I need it..." Joe says, and looks at Mr. Stump pleadingly. I can see he is serious. His eyes are a little watery, his lower lip trembles, his shoulder are very tense, and I can see the fear in his eyes. I groan when I feel sympathy for him. But then again, I am a very sensitive human being, and I don't want Joe to live in the streets. I still hate him, but I can't let this happen.

"Patrick, let it go. He deserves to be punished, but he does not deserve to live in the streets." I say. Patrick looks up at me, and he smiles.

"That is a very kind thing to say, Jamia. Joe? What do you have to say on that?"

Joe looks at me, and for the first time since I met him, I see a hint of respect in his eyes. "Thank you so much, i-if we could make some deal about this, you'd really save me..."

"Well, I don't really know how you could make this up to me, but, I won't tell the principal. I promise. And neither will Gerard or Mr. Stump." I say. Joe bite his lips and sighs in relief. His shoulders are still tense, but I can see his fear is fading away. I smile a little. Who knew that Joe had fears too.

"Thank you so much Fr-, wait, what is your new name again?"


"Well, thank you so much Jamia... I... I am sorry. I truly am..."

"Then why do you do it?"

Joe looks at me, and I can see he doubts if he could tell me or not, but then he nods to himself and sighs. "Because you're brave enough to do, what I'm too scared for to even admit to myself." he whispers. When he sees my confused look, he explains himself further. "You came out to our whole school. You're so brave to do that... I look up at you for it. I am too scared..."

"Wait, you're transgender too?" I ask him, still confused. Joe quickly shakes his head. "No, no I really am a boy, both sex and gender, but... I am really fucking gay." he whispers. My eyes go wide. "You're gay? Woah, I never saw that coming!"

"Yeah, well, so didn't I. But then Andy came around and, well, I've had a very big crush on him ever since, which of course he doesn't know... But my parents found out, and that is why they told me that if I made one more mistake, they'd kick me out."

"That sucks..." Gerard mutters and I agree with him.

"You know what, Joe, we leave it like this okay. The incident never happened. You're having a hard time already, just like me. We should not make it any harder for each other. Why don't you stop being a dick to me, I mean, you just told me that it's just because you're jealous... Not because you hate me. And I'll never tell anyone about anything that has happened between us today." I say. Joe smiles and nods. "Sounds great. Thank you, and I promise I'll leave you alone. And I'll try to keep Andy away from you too."

"That means a lot to me, Joe. Thank you too. And... I know we're not even friends, but... If you ever need someone to talk to, about the gay stuff, I'm right here." I say. Joe smiles to me and nods. "I'll keep that in mind. Sorry again, for everything I've done to you... But I really have to go now, have a nice day!"

"It's okay. Really. And you have a nice day too!" I say back. Gerard, Patrick and Pete say goodbye too, and then Joe walks away.

"Jamia, you're such a sweet girl. Really." Pete says with a smile. "I'd probably would have beaten the guy up, instead you offer him this. Respect."

"Thanks Pete."

Gerard takes my hand and when I see the proud look in his eyes, I know that I did the right thing. "Okay, so... What was my present again?" I say with a grin, and Gerard chuckles. "Lets go shopping!"

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