Chapter 16

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"B-but mom I can't help it that..." I say into the phone, but she immediately cuts me off.

"Joe's parents called me to tell me what happened. You promised not to tell anyone your stupid secret, but you did. Dammit Frank, you even went out dressed up as a girl! Sorry boy, but you're not my son anymore. You can get your stuff somewhere this week, and then I never want to see you again."

"But mom I-"

"Goodbye, Frank." she says and she ends the call. I stare at my phone. Gerard stares at me. He wants to know what happened. I try to say it, but I can't talk anymore. I can't believe it. My mother just disowned me... She disowned me... Oh God... My head starts aching even more as I try to hold back my tears. Gerard sees I'm not okay. He takes the phone out of my hands and puts it away, and the he carefully pushes me down on the couch so I can lay down. He sits down next to my head an starts massaging my temples to calm me down and to make the headache go away.


"Yes Jamia?"

"My mom... she... she just disowned me." I whisper. Gerard freezes, his fingers still resting on my head.

"S-she disowned you? Geez! Oh baby..." he whispers and kisses my forehead. He strokes my hair and I close my eyes. All I want is to fall asleep and forget about my fucked up life and so I don't have to feel the pain anymore.

"Can I... Is it okay if I..." I whisper but I can't finish my sentence.

"Of course you can stay here sugar. My mom and dad wouldn't mind, they adore you, and Mikey likes you too so don't worry about him either."

"T-thank you." I stutter. Gerard stops stroking my hair and lays down besides me. He wraps his arms around me and rests his head against my shoulder.

"You need rest Jamia, try to sleep, I'll stay right here." he whispers. I nod and sigh. I try to focus on my breathing and it works. Slowly I feel myself slip away in unconsciousness. It feels great...

It's not who I am... - FrerardWhere stories live. Discover now