Chapter 2

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I take the boy with me to my room. My parents and my little brother Mikey are not at home, probably doing groceries.

"So... since we just came to live here I haven't had the chance to do a lot to my room, but this is how far I am."

"It looks like it's going to be awesome. You need any help?"

"Well I'd like some help but I don't want to bother you?"

"Oh but I'd love to help!" Frank smiles and his smile almost makes me melt. No... no Gerard. Don't you dare to fall in love with this guy. He's probably straight.

"Uh, okay then." I smile back.

"Great! Just tell me what I need to do." Frank smiles again.

Soon we are trying to transform some wooden planks into a bed, but we completely fail.

"I don't understand. I'm such a girl..." I sigh. Frank tenses and turns his back to me.

"Yeah, me too." he laughs, but I can hear it's fake.

"Are you okay?" I ask him worried.

"I'm fine." he snaps and sighs. "Sorry. I'm just frustrated I don't understand how this works." he explains and I act like that answer is fine with me. But I know there's more. Why else would he tense?

But then Mikey comes in and he grins.

"Hi Gee, I see you found out that you actually need your little brother?" he laughs. He walks over to Frank, who is still trying to build the bed, and helps him.

"I'm Mikey, Gerard's little brother." he introduces himself with a smile.

"Frank, your neighbor." Frank smiles back. I see he is checking Mikey out and I suddenly feel a little bit jealous. I shake my head to get rid of the feeling. Frank is probably straight, and even if he isn't, Mikey is. I have nothing to worry about.... Right?

I watch Mikey and Frank build the bed and I'm surprised by how quick it goes. Mikey is way more technical than me.

"Thanks Mikey." I say when they're done and hug him. Mikey laughs and tells me if I need him again, I can call for him, and then he walks away.

"Hey! I also helped with the bed!" Frank exclaims and he pouts.

"So?" I say confused.

"I don't get a hug?" he smiles and I immediately turn red. Okay... maybe this guy is not straight at all... let's find out!

"I'm lazy. I wanna hug you, but you have to come and get it yourself." I grin and spread my arms.

Frank gives me a fake sigh, and then walks over to me to give me a hug. I wrap my arms around him and smile. I smell his scent and I frown. He smells very femine. I mean, I smell the scent of shampoo with the scent of roses. I smile. I like it.

It's not who I am... - FrerardWhere stories live. Discover now