Chapter 14

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Joe and Andy immediately run towards me and Gerard and they pull us apart. Joe pushes me down on the ground and straddles my hips with a sadistic grin on his face. Then he lowers his fists and knocks them into my face.

"FRANK!" I hear Gerard scream. I can see how he tries to get away from Andy's strong grip, but Gerard is not strong enough. But he keeps trying.

"PLEASE! PLEASE LET HIM GO!" He screams. Joe looks at him, pretends he thinks about it, then shakes his head and starts beating me up. Without any pause. His fists keep slamming into me, and slowly my sight becomes more and more hazy. The pain becomes less, and I know I'm close to passing out.

Then, just before my vision becomes black, Joe gets pulled off of me and I hear the voice of my English teacher, Mr. Stump.

"Frank? Frank do you hear me?" he asks me. I groan in response and try to nod my head. But it hurts... It really hurts... Then I feel a hand cupping my face. I try to open my eyes and all I see is something fiery red. I know it's Gee. I close my eyes again and rest my head against his hand.

"I am so sorry Frank. S-so fucking sorry..." he stutters and he gives me a butterfly kiss on my forehead.

"S'okay..." I manage to say. Gerard says nothing and keeps stroking my cheek with his thumb.

"Okay Gerard. I've called an ambulance. Can you go with him?" I hear Mr. Stump then. Ambulance? No...

"Yeah sure." Gerard answers. "Everything is going to be fine little girl..." he whispers to me. I manage to chuckle a little as I hear a confused sound coming from Mr. Stump. Gerard explains everything to him, and that me being transgender was the reason I got beaten up.

"That is so horrible... Frank? I'll make sure these kids will get punished for this, and it will be something worse than writing lines, believe me."

"Thnks... I..." I start to cough and Gerard and Mr. Stump gasp. 

"Shit... Frank... you're coughing blood... Oh God..." Gerard starts to panick, and somewhere in the distance I hear the sirenes of the ambulance. Good. I cough again and suddenly become very dizzy.

"Frank...- hold... I..."

I faint.

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