Chapter 23

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Warning: smut (light bdsm/dirty talk). Don't like=don't read.


I look up at Gerard and swallow again. His head is very close to mine, and his hands on my waist are so distracting... Gerard leans in and kisses me. His lips are pressed on mine with a lot of force, and oh yes... I like it. I like it a lot! More than I should... I feel the blood rushing towards my groin and I growl, feeling very uncomfortable all of sudden. Gerard smiles and cups my face between his hands. "Jamia, don't be ashamed okay. I know you're a girl, and I can't wait for your body to change because I know you'll be beautiful. But right now you're beautiful too. And I won't make you do anything you don't want me to. And if you want to stop, tell me and we'll stop." he says and kisses my forehead. I still don't like the fact that I've got an erection pressing against my skirt, but this is Gerard. I can trust him.

I smile up at him and press my lips in the crook of his neck, sucking on his skin harshly. Gerard chuckles as he realises that I am giving him a hickey. He tangles his hands in my hair and yanks me back and I hiss. He forces me to look at him. "Good girls do not give hickeys. You want to be bad, uh? Do I need to restrain you to my bed and fuck you so rough you'll not do it again?"

Fuck... fuck fuck fuck... His words make me go all crazy inside. He's so dominant... And I don't know why, but I love it. I grin playfully at him. "Like a good fuck would be able to teach me not to give hickeys." I smirk. Gerard narrows his eyes. "Oh you are so asking for this." he growls and I smile at my little victory. It doesn't last long though, because Gerard takes my wrists in a tight grip and pushes me up against the wall. My breath hitches at the helpless feeling it gives me, and I bite my lips in arousal. He looks down at me and grins.

"Hmmm does my little girl like to be dominated then?" he smirks and tightens his grip on my wrists, causing me to throw my head back and moan. "Well?"

"Y-yes I do..." I breath out and close my eyes. I've never had sex. Ever. Before Gerard I have never done anything with anyone. And with Gerard I haven't done anything but kissing. Maybe we should take this easy... But no. This is too good, I want everything. Even though I am insecure about my body, but I know that Gerard doesn't mind.

"So... Jamia, are you going to be a good girl now or do I still need to restrain you?"

Push him... push him further. Be bad.

"I think there is only one way to find out, uh? Maybe I like giving you hickeys and maybe I'll do it again, who knows?" I say with a grin, and Gerard chuckles when he knows what I'm trying to do. "Are you sure that that was your answer?"

"What, are you deaf?" I say playfully. Gerard raises his eyebrows in admiration. "Oh you dirty girl, you really want this." he laughs. He kisses my forehead and looks at me. "Tell me when I need to stop, because baby, I love it rough."

"Show me."

"My pleasure."

And before I know it, Gerard has his hands tangled in my hair again and pushes me onto my knees in front of him. He forces me to look up, and I swallow. His gaze is so intense... "Open." he orders me with a look on his pants. "Okay..." I whisper and move my hands up to his belt, but Gerard tightens his grip on my hair and I gasp in both pain and excitement. "Okay who?"

"I... I don't kn-" I stutter and Gerard nods. "You always call me Sir, okay?"

"Yes Sir."

"Good, continue."

I unbuckle his belt, open the button and then pull his zipper down. I take a deep breath before I pull down Gerard's pants and see his cock through his boxers. I might not like my own, but oh... I love this sight a lot. I look up at Gerard, and his gaze encourages me to go on. I pull down his boxers as well, and bite my lips when I can see Gerard's full hard on now. It's big... I swallow again and lick my lips. Gerard pulls me closer and closer towards his groin. Slowly, and I know he does it to give me time to say no, but I want this.

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