Chapter 11

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I look at Frank and smile. I haven't known him... uh... her for long. But the way she looks now, I don't think I've seen her more happy than she is right now. She walks around in my mom's dress and she just sparkles in happiness.

I feel so bad for her though... Stupid parents... Why can't they just love their child for who she is? She can't help it that she's transgender...

"Gee? Can we... can we go to Starbucks?" she asks me suddenly and jumps on my lap. I laugh and wrap my hands around her.

"Are you sure?" I ask and she nods.

"I've never felt better than I feel now, Gerard... I want to walk around in public as a girl too. Or... or do you think people will notice?" She asks then, suddenly insecure.

"No Frank. You look like a girl, a beautiful one, but I wanted to be sure that you're ready. That you're not rushing things just because you can. We have plenty of time to explore this part of you babe. But if you really want it, then of course we can go to Starbucks." I say with a smile and plant a kiss on Frank's forehead. She squeels and kisses me back.

"Just one thing Frank. How should I call you? You want to be Frank or do you have a new name in mind?"

Frank blushes and nods. She plays with my hair nervously.

"I... I do have a girl's name for myself... I just never told anyone..."

"Do you... do you want to tell me?" I ask. Frank nods and sighs.


I smile and repeat it.

"Jamia... that is a beautiful name!"

Frank... no... Jamia smiles at me and stands up.

"Shall we go than?" She asks and I nod.

Okay guys sorry that sucked I know. I'll try to make the next chapter a better one.

It's not who I am... - FrerardWhere stories live. Discover now