Chapter 20

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" to you! Happy birthday to you!"

I groan and flutter my eyes open. Gerard, Mikey, and their parents are in my room, singing to me. I smile and sit up, and wait until they've finished their song.

"Happy 18th birthday little girl." Gerard says then. He walks over to me and presses his lips onto my forehead. Then I get a hug from Mikey, Donna and Donald and they all congratulate me. I smile.

"Jamia, would you like to come downstairs? We have some amazing presents for you." Donald says and I nod happily. "Yeah sure! I just need to get dressed and take my medicine first." I say with a huge grin. They all chuckle and agree. They walk downstairs, so I quickly crawl out of my bed and look at my clothes. Well, actually they are Donna's but she said I could borrow it until I had my own clothes. I pick out black panties, a black skirt and a a grey T-shirt. Then I walk into the bathroom and quickly apply some eyeliner. And then, finally, I pick up my bottle of hormone pills and take out one. I look at it, smile, and then I stick it into my mouth and swallow it with water. I look into the mirror again, to my flat chest. Only a few months, and I'll have breasts... I can't wait.

I walk downstairs and my eyes widen when I see the amount of presents.

"Oh... woah... is this... is this all for me?" I stutter. Mikey chuckles and nods. "Yes Jamia. This is all for you." I can't stop grinning as I watch the presents again and sit down. Holy shit...

"I am first!" Mikey says and quickly jumps up from the couch to be the first. He picks a present and gives it to me. "Happy birthday, Jamia. I hope you like it." he smiles. "Thank you Mikey. I'm sure I'll love-" I start as I open it, but when I see what it is, I can do nothing but squeel.


"You're welcome." he grins and I stand up to give him a hug.

It goes on like that. I get a few more CD's from other bands I love, some posters, and other little things, until there is nothing left. I frown. I didn't get anything from Gerard...?

"Jamia. You'll get my present later today. We have breakfast now and then I'll take you somewhere. I'm sure you'll love it." Gerard smiles and I smile back at him. "Perfect."

~one hour later~

"Geraaaaard. Come on! Where are you taking me!" I say and pout. Gerard just chuckles and smiles towards me. "You'll find out soon. Okay I invited another two people. Pete Wentz and his boyfriend. If you don't like that I can tell them but-"

"You invited them? Gerard that is awesome!" I smile. Finally people like me. Finally people want to hang out with me.

"Ah. We're almost there." Gerard smiles. I immediately look out of the window but all I see are the busy streets here in New Jersey. I've got no clue where we're going...

Five minutes later we finally parked the car. I step out and raise my eyebrows okayfully at Gerard. "So Gee, what exactly are we doing here?"

"Waiting for Pete and his boyfriend. They should be here any- Oh look there is Pete." Gerard smiles. Pete walks over to is and hugs us. "Hey there birthday girl! Patrick should be here any moment, he needed to pee so, oh there he is already." Pete smiles and points to someone behind me. I smile, turn around, and freeze.

"Gerard? Jamia?"

"Mr. Stump?"

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