Chapter 8

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For the second time today I go to Frank's house and ring the bell. Now it's Frank's father who opens the door.

"Hello Mr. Iero. Is Frank home?"

"Why would I know? Check his room and see for yourself." he says and lets me in. Geez he is even worse than Frank's mother...

"Thank you." I say and walk to Frank's room. He is not there, but I see his notebook, he must have forgotten to hide it. I pick it up to hide it, but I'm being clumsy and I drop it. It falls open on a drawing from a girl. Just above the drawing I see some words. 'Wish I was this girl...'

Wait what?

I browse through the pages and that's when I realize what Frank's secret is. He is born as a boy, buy he is a girl... He is transgender, and that's why his parents hate him...

Shit... I feel so sorry...

"G-gerard?" I hear Frank's voice and I look up. He stands in the doorstep and then he sees that I'm reading his diary and his eyes fly wide open. Before he has the chance to run away again, I run towards him and wrap my arms around him.

"It's okay Frankie. I promise. It's okay. I don't judge you for this. I never will." I whisper. Frank collapses against my chest and cries. And cries. And cries. And I just hold him.

"C-can I stay over with you tonight?" Franks whispers. His voice is weak.

"Of course. You need anything?"

"Uhm... I... my diary." he says. I hand it over to him. I take his hand and we go to my house. I put him under the covers of my bed and give him a kiss on his hair.

"Sleep well, Frankie."

"Night, Gee. Thank you." he says, and drifts off to sleep.

I tell my parents that Frank has troubles with his parents and stays over. They're fine with it.

I go back to my room and crawl under the covers, next to Frank, and fall asleep too.

It's not who I am... - FrerardWhere stories live. Discover now