Chapter 13

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"Mom. Please... I really feel sick... Can I please stay home from school today? I promise I'll go as soon as I feel better and-"

"No Frank. You don't have a fever, so you're going to school. Whether you like it or not. And if I find out you weren't there today, you're in big trouble."

"Yes mom..." I whisper and she leaves my room. I stare at the closed door. I don't want to go to school. I am so afraid... Everyone knows... I checked my Facebook, and it was full of hate messages. Some people just asked me if it was true, but most of them were just really mean...

I sigh and dress myself. I make sure I look like a boy. Jeans, a T-shirt and no makeup... I look in the mirror and immediately look away again. That guy in the mirror, he looks good, but it's not me. It's not me... It's not me...

Suddenly my phone vibrates. I pick it up and unlock the screen.

From: Gerard
Hey Jamia, wanna go to school together? I'm in the same class as you! <3 xxx Gee

A huge smile appears on my face. This means Gerard will protect me. I know he will.

To: Gerard
Oh yes please! I'd love to! Xxx J.

I quickly eat my breakfast and put my books in my backpack. I say goodbye to my parents and walk over to Gerard's house. He's already waiting for me. He kisses me and then locks his fingers in mine and we walk to our school like that.

"Gee? You might wanna let go of my hand now... I'm the most hated guy in school so if they see you with me they're going to pick on you too... Especially now you're holding my hand..." I say and try to pull my hand back, but Gerard tightens his grip around my fingers and places a kiss on my forehead.

"Jamia, I don't care. Don't you know how honored I feel holding your hand? I'm so proud to be your boyfriend. If other people can't see how special you are, that's their problem." he says and it takes everything I have not to cry.

"T-thank you Gerard. That means so much to me... But please, call me Frank today... I don't want other people to know my girl's name." I whisper. Gerard nods and gives me an encouraging smile, then we walk into the school together.

And all hell breaks loose...

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