Chapter 19

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I watch Jamia as my mom drives us to the hospital. Today she'll get the hormones she needs to become herself. She is so nervous and happy and she has been bouncing around all day. It's really cute. I'm glad she looks happy today. I haven't seen her this happy since the incident at school.

"Oh Gerard I can't believe this is finally happening!" she smiles and she takes my hand. I press my lips on her forehead and Jamia sighs happily. Suddenly, I get an amazing idea and I grin. Oh yes. That's it Gerard, she'll love it!

"What?" Jamia asks me, when she notices the grin on my face. I shake my head.

"You'll see." I smirk. Jamia pouts and I chuckle.

"Patience little girl." I smile. Just when Jamia is about to say something else, we reach the hospital and Jamia bites her lips. I can see the nervousness in her eyes again. My mother parks the car and we step out. Jamia clings onto my arm and I kiss her hair to comfort her.

"Come on, sugar." I whisper and she nods. We walk inside and check in, and then we sit down in the waiting room. There is one other boy. He has black hair and wears a lot of eyeliner. He smiles at us and after a couple of minutes, he walks over to us and sits next to Jamia.

"Hi. My name is Pete Wentz. Are you transgender too?" He asks us. I shake my head but Jamia nods. Pete smiles to me and then he looks at Jamia.

"Frank Iero. But I want to become Jamia Iero..." she says. Pete smiles and points at himself.

"I was a girl, but not anymore! I got surgery two months ago and now they're going to check if everything is still allright. Oh and Jamia, you're hot." Pete says with a wink. Jamia blushes and I growl. Pete looks at me.

"Boyfriend?" he asks me and I nod. Pete raises his hands defensively and smiles.

"Okay, I'll leave her alone then." he smirks and I chuckle. I like this guy. He, okay probably because he is transgender himself, but he accepted Jamia straight away. It's good for her to see that there are more people who will accept her as she is.

"Frank Iero?" someone calls then, and Jamia, my mom and I stand up. Pete waves at us and we wave back, before walking into the little office. We all sit down and Dr. Hale gives us all a hand before she sits down herself.

"So. Frank, are you ready to become Jamia?" Dr. Hale asks her and she nods nervously.

"Y-yeah... I just... I just can't believe it's finally happening..." she whispers quietly. Dr. Hale nods and opens Jamia's file. 

"You turn eightteen tomorrow, but I can give you your hormones today. You'll have to take them every morning, and you'll see your body change within a few months. We need you to come back every month to check if everything is still okay, but don't worry, it's rare that there are complications. You seem perfectly healthy, so I don't think anything will go wrong. Do you have any questions, Jamia?"

"I... How long do I need to take these hormones before I can undergo surgery?"

"That depends. But, I'm almost sure it'll take more than a year. I'm sorry, I wish everything could happen sooner, but that is just impossible." Dr. Hale says while shoving the medicines towards Jamia.

"I understand. I already guessed, I just wanted to know for sure. Thank you." Jamia says and then she shakes Dr. Hale's hand as a goodbye. I just nod at her and then we leave the office. Pete is still there and I smile at him. I gesture him that I need to talk alone with him, he frowns, but then shrugs and follows me. I gesture Jamia it's okay and that I'll be right back.

"So Pete. Tomorrow is Jamia's 18th birthday, but she doesn't have any friends or something. I was wondering if you'd like to hang out with us two tomorrow?" I ask him. Pete chuckles in surprise and then he smiles.

"Yeah. Why not? Here is my phone number, do you think Jamia would like it if I bring my boyfriend? He is totally fine with transgender people, and he's really sweet."

"Sure. Bring him. What's his name?"

"Patrick." Pete says with a smile and I smile back. I let Pete type his phone number into my phone and then we say goodbye.

"What was that about?" Jamia asks me curiously when I reach her again. I smirk.

"You'll see babe. You'll see."

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