Chapter 22

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"Hey, I had a lot of fun today. We should hang out together more often," Pete says with a grin and Patrick, Gerard and I fully agree on that. We say each other goodbye, and Pete and Patrick walk away. I watch them just a little longer, and I see how Patrick takes Pete's hand in his and how Pete smiles to that and places a kiss on Patrick's cheek. It makes me smile too. "Aren't they cute together?" I say, and Gerard nods. "Yes, they are. They look so happy together... But, so do you." Gerard grins, and I blush. Ever since we bought me clothes, makeup and high heels, I haven't been able to stop smiling.

"Thank you so much for all of this, Gerard. I really, really love every single thing of it and I can't wait till tomorrow so I can wear it." I say and take Gerard's hand in mine as we walk to his car. "I am glad to hear that baby, I really am." Gerard says and squeezes my hand. We reach the car and once all the shopping bags are in the trunk, we step in the car and drive home. As soon as we get there, Gerard frowns.

"Where is everyone?" he says and points to the house. The car of Gerard's parents is gone, and all lights are out. "I... I don't know..." I say in confusion. Gerard parks the car and quickly takes out his cell phone and he calls Mikey.

"Hey, Mikey... Where the fuck are you?"




"Oh my gosh, did you seriously... I'm gonna kill all of you. Tell mom and dad." Gerard says and I can see him blushing. I raise my eyebrows playfully and Gerard pretends he doesn't see.


"Yeah, yeah fine. I'll see you tonight, motherfucker." Gerard says, and he shakes his head in disbelief when he ends the phonecall and looks at me.

"You are not going to believe this." Gerard grins, though his cheeks are still red and I can see he's uncomfortable. "Well? What is it?"

"My parents and Mikey are out for dinner... Because they thought that we might wanted to have time alone... To... You know..." he stutters, and I burst out into laughter. "They are out for dinner so we can have sex? Oh my gosh Gerard your family is amazing!" 

"Yeah... Yeah... Well, I think it's embarrassing..." Gerard mutters, but he starts to laugh to. "So... Shall we take my stuff inside?" I propose, and Gerard nods. We step out of the car and carry everything inside, towards Gerard's room. Once we're finished, there is an awkward silence.

"So-" we both begin. I stare at him, and he stares back, and I can't help but chuckle because this situation really is very uncomfortable. "You first." I say. "No, you first." he answers and I groan. "Fine... So... Do you want to... actually... You know..." I stutter, and Gerard blushes again. "Uh... Only if you're okay with it..." he says, and looks back at me. I shrug. "I... I really want to. But... I'm afraid that... Well, you know that when I get aroused, I get a hard on, and it's not that comfortable... But... I'd love to try it with you." I say and smile at Gerard. He grins and walks over to me. I swallow. Oh God... Why the fuck does he get so confident when this starts? He puts his hands on my waist and pulls me closer.

Oh... We're actually going to try this, and fuck, it makes me feel very uncomfortable, but somehow I really like this...

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