Chapter 10

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I stare at the clothes in the closet. They're so beautiful.

"I... I can't-" I stutter but Gerard's mom cuts me off.

"You can wear what you like Frank. I mean it." she says with a smile. I smile back and look at the closet again. I see a couple of shirt, shorts and some dresses. I point at one of the dresses. It's a short little strapless black dress. I absolutely love it.

"C-can I?"

"Yes! Of course you can! Just put it on so we can see if it fits you." she smiles and takes out the dress. I undress myself and look at my legs. They're so masculine... I shave myself twice a week but you can still see a lot of hair. I hate it. I fucking hate my legs.

Gerard's mom sees the expression on my face and hugs me lightly. "You may look a little masculine now, but, if you want it of course, when you take hormones, the hairs will grow slower. One of my best friends is transgender too, she had the same problem as you, but the hormones really helped. For now you can wear a panty if you like?" she says and I smile.

"Y-yes. Yes I'd like that. Thank you." I say and she picks up a panty.

"Here. Put your body in that dress and the panties and you'll look absolutely stunning." she smiles and I laugh.

"You're so energetic." I smile and she smiles back.

"I'm just glad I can help you a little with this." she explains and watches me while I dress myself. She helps me with the dress because I've never worn one before, and then she helps me with the panties.

I want to walk to the mirror, but Gerard's mom stops me.

"Mrs. Way what-"

"One, you can call me Donna. Two, you're not done." she says with a grin. I give her a strange look, but she just takes me to the bathroom and opens a drawer. I see a lot of make up. I laugh.

After half an hour Mrs. W-... Donna, is done with my make up and my hair.

"Now you can look in the mirror." she smiles. I turn around so I face the mirror in the bathroom, and I gasp.

"I... I..." I stutter and try to hold back my tears. I don't want to ruin the make up. "I look beautiful." I choke out.

"Yes honey, you do." Donna smiles. "Now go downstairs and show Gerard how sexy you are."


"No 'butts' Frank. Gerard loves you, I can see it in his eyes."

"O-okay." I say nervously and walk downstairs. Gerard and Mikey are having a discussion about who can have the last slice of bread, but then Gerard sees me and his mouth drops. Mikey quikly grabs the slice and laughs. But Gerard doesn't even notice. He just stares at me.

"Fr-frankie...?" he whispers. For a second I'm afraid he doesn't like me like this. That he-

"Holy crap Frankie! Y-you're beautiful!" he whispers. Then he grins. "And really, really hot!"

I blush and smile at Gerard. He jumps of his chair and takes me in his arms.



"Do you want to give me the biggest honor in this world and be my girlfriend?" he asks softly, cupping my face between his hands.

Okay, now I can't hold back my tears any longer.

"Y-yes Gerard." I stutter and I wipe away my tears, careful not to ruin my make up. Then Mikey chimes in.

"Oh. I hate you Gerard. We just moved here and you already have the hottest girl in town as your girlfriend." he grins and I laugh.

"Back off Mikey, she's mine." Gerard grins and gives me a little kiss on my lips.

"No fighting about this girl, boys." their dad says and I laugh again.

God... I love this family...

It's not who I am... - FrerardWhere stories live. Discover now