Chapter 15

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I look at Frank. He... or she... whatever... looks so vulnerable... the doctors say she had an internal bleeding that made her cough blood, but they fixed that with a little surgery. Now she just lays here, sleeping... She has multiple bruises on her face and her chest, and they become more and more dark every hour...

Damn... I should've protected her. I promised it. I promised I'd protect her... and now this happened. I fucking hate myself for being so weak... I'll train more often. Yes. I'll do that. If something like this happens again, then I'll be strong enough.

Frank suddenly makes a little noise. I take her hand and stare at her eyes hopefully. Come on babe... you can do this. You can wake up, I know you can...

Her facial muscles tense and relax, en then she blinks. And again. Her head rolls towards me and she tries to keep her eyes open.

"Ugh... t-... the light is so bright..." she says, her voice all hoarse. I smile to her, walk to the wall and turn off the light. Now all light we have is that coming from the hospital corridors.

I sit next to her and take her hand.

"How do you feel babe?"

"Well... I've felt better... my head aches and I feel my usual stomachaches coming up again... do you know if they gave me my antibiotics?" I shake my head.

"Usual stomachaches?"

"Yeah my body is an asshole and thinks it's funny to hurt me, I'll explain later what it is, but I need antibiotics or it'll be way worse..."

"I'll get a nurse okay?" I say and she nods. I stand up and walk into the corridors and ask the first nurse I come across if she has time for Frank. We walk back together to Frank's room and she starts checking some sort of checklist.

"I am sorry Mr. Iero but we didn't give you antibiotics. I'll get them straight away." She says and wants to walk away, but Frank stops her.

"When can I go home?"

"You can go home this evening, if things stay like they are. But you will need someone to look after you and he or she should wake you every two hours this night, to make sure your brains are okay. You have someone who can do that? Your parents maybe? Otherwise you'll have to stay one more night."

Frank shakes her head and sighs. I grin and take her hands.

"I can do it if you like?" I say. Frank starts to smile widely and nods enthusiastically.

"Would you do that for me?"

"Of course sweetheart, I'm your boyfriend! Of course I'd do it!" I say and kiss Frank on her forehead. She cuddles against me and I smile, wrapping my arms around her.

The nurse gives us a cute smile and then she walks away to get the antibiotics.

"Thank you Gerard."

"You're welcome sugar."

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