Chapter 25

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Hi guys! Before I start writing, I have a little message. I really love this story, but I don't really know what do with it anymore? I feel like everything I wanted to write, is already written now. So my idea was... That I'd ask you all if there's anything you want to happen in this story? If you have an idea, tell me! Please! Otherwise I think I'm going to end this story. Of course there will be a few chapters more, but not that much if I don't get any new ideas.

So far, thank you all for your love and support on this story, it makes me so so so incredibly happy you have no idea <3 Xx


I smile when I walk into the shop together with Jamia. She clings onto my arm and I know that she is really nervous. When we almost got here, she wanted me to turn around the car and go back home. But I said no and drove us here anyways.

"Gerard, please..." she whispers one more time, and when I look at her, I know that her nerves are really bad. I stop walking and press her close against me. "Sweetheart... Why are you so afraid? Isn't this something you've been wanting to do for years now? Buying your first bra?" I whisper. Jamia nods and clings onto me tighter. "Y-yes but... I'm scared... People will know I'm a man. People will think I'm weird and judge me..." she whispers. I kiss her forehead and then lift her chin to make her look at me.

"Baby... First of all, even though you have a male body, you're a woman. You are. And secondly, if anyone gives you a weird look, ignore them and show them that you're proud of who you are. Because I know you are." I say. Jamia's shoulders relax just a little, and she watches me carefully for a moment, trying to figure out if my words make any sense. Then she sighs and nods.

"Okay... Let's... Let's go pick a bra before I really run away from here..." she says, and fakes a smile. I give her a genuine smile back. I'm so proud of her. So fucking proud. Her breasts have been growing a lot lately, which I don't mind at all. But she really needs a bra right now.

A saleswoman walks up to us and smiles. "Hello, can I help you?" she says. She looks at both of us, and for a moment I can see the hesitation in her eyes as she watches Jamia, but then she shrugs and keeps smiling. I feel a wave of relief go through my body. Jamia looks at me for help, so I rub her back reassuringly as I explain.

"This is my girlfriend Jamia, we're looking for a new bra? It would be her first one so we have no idea where we have to start looking." I say. The woman smiles and nods. "Do you know your size?" she asks Jamia, and she shakes her head timidly. "I have no idea..."

"Is it okay if I look at them? Then I might have an idea." the saleswoman asks us, and I'm actually a little startled by her politeness. Jamia seems to relax a little now and she nods. The woman looks at her and smiles. "Okay, I think I might know, but first of all, what is it that you're looking for? Something simple, or sexy, or something in between?"

"Uh, lets just start with something simple please..." Jamia whispers and the woman nods. "Any preference in colour?"

"Black... Or at least something dark."

"Okay, if you could follow me." the woman says and walks towards a certain corner of the shop. Jamia looks at all the different bras in awe. We give her some time to study them, and the woman smiles at me, and I know she means to say how much she loves that I love Jamia like this, and I answer her smile with a smile that says thank you.

"Uhm, Gerard? What do you think about these two?" Jamia says after a few minutes, and she points at two different bras. One is a black one, with a few little pink hearts on it, and the other one is dark blue with black stars. "I love both of them, baby. Why don't you try them on?"

"Uh, yeah sure. Could you maybe help me with them?" she asks the woman and she nods. "Of course. The dressing rooms are right over there." Jamia smiles and waits until the woman picked both bras in a couple of sizes, and then they walk towards the dressing rooms. I smile as I watch them disappear and then I sit down to wait. I can hear Jamia and the woman talk, and after a few moments I can hear Jamia's all too familiar giggles, and that's when I finally relax too.

After a few minutes, the woman peeks out of the dressing room and gestures me to come and take a look. I stand up and curiously walk over. Jamia steps out and wears the black one with pink hearts. She blushes and looks down to the floor. "So... What do you think?"

"Jam... You are so beautiful, and I promise, that bra looks amazing on you." I say, making Jamia blush even harder. "You sure? I can try the other one on too? I already did but I liked this one more." she whispers. I take a step closer and take her hand. "Be honest. Do you want this one?"

"I... Well... Yes..." she stutters. I kiss her forehead. "Then you will have this one, my pretty girl." Jamia gives me a hesitant smile and mouths 'I love you', before she disappears in the dressing room again to put on her own clothes again. I smile and wait for her to finish, and then we walk to the checkout to pay for it. Jamia takes out her purse and I grin as I push her hand away. "I'm paying for this, sweetheart." I say and then lay down the right amount of money. Jamia blushes and takes the plastic bag with her new bra in it. We thank the saleswoman for her help and then we walk outside.

Before I know what's happening, Jamia clings onto me and starts to cry. I frown and hold her close. "Sugar, are you alright?"

"Y-yes I am just so happy..." she sobs and I smile. "So am I baby. Damn I am so proud of you. I love you."

It's not who I am... - FrerardWhere stories live. Discover now