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Uhm, okay, this is just really awkward? XD I promised you guys a smutty epilogue so here it is! Please just remember that the past two years I never wrote any straight stuff. I just don't know how to do it anymore... XD But I'll try! I mean, our little Frankie is a girl now, so yeah. Straight sex, here we go?? I hope I didn't fuck up too badly. If you prefer gay smut, you should check out my other stories. They're way better. And again, thank you for all the votes and comments. I really loved every single one of them.


I swallow when Gerard walks closer toward me. His eyes trail over my body hungrily and instictively I take a step back. "Don't walk away from me little girl. I haven't been able to have sex with you for a couple of months now and you can't make me wait any longer." he growls. I nod and close my eyes for a second. This will be my first time to have sex as a girl... Oh gosh... I open my eyes again and look at Gerard. He smiles at me as if he knows what I'm thinking, which he probably does.

Gerard takes a step closer and I bite my lips as I hold myself from taking a step back again. Gerard grins and slides his hands down my waist, and rests them on my hips. "So beautiful..." he whispers and leans in to kiss me. I blush as I kiss him back, throwing my arms around his neck. Gerard pulls my body closer against his and I moan when I feel his erection against my stomach. "Someone's excited." I giggle through the kisses. Gerard pulls back and raises an eyebrow. "Not just me." he whispers and moves one of his hands until it touches my crotch. My cheeks turn even more red as I let out another moan. "See, I knew I wasn't the only one." he whispers then and lets go of me. I blink in surprise and look up to watch his face, but before I can, he lifts me and throws me onto his bed. I hiss in pain as my breasts touch the matress. They've hurt ever since they started growing, but Dr. Hale assured me that that was normal, and that it happens to normal girls as well.  But even though it hurts, I like it. Gerard crawls on the bed and hovers himself over me. His lips touch the skin just behind my ear and I shiver at the feeling it gives me. "I feel honored, you know..." he whispers and nibbles onto my skin. "To be your first.... Again."

I groan and press my face into the sheets as I feel myself getting more and more aroused. Gerard takes my wrists and pushes them into the matress above my head. "Keep them there." he says and lets go of them. I curl my fingers for a moment as I try not to move my arms. I want to reach out for Gerard and pull him against me. But that's not how this works. "Good girl..." Gerard says, and the loving tone in his voice makes me go weak. "I love you..." I whisper and can't help but smile a little. Gerard presses his lips firmly against the back of my head. "And I love you so much too..." he whispers and then he starts undressing me.

I blush deeply as his fingers unclasp my bra. He smiles and cups one of my breasts, and I let out moan. "Turn around, I want to see your face."

I quickly do as he says and turn around. I can't bring myself to look up at him, because I know it'd be too intense. Too much. Gerard has thishungry way of looking into my eyes that makes my throat go dry and my heart beat faster. It's stupid, but true. So I just close them and swallow as Gerard's fingers trail over my collarbone, lower and lower, until he reaches my breasts again. He lowers his head as well and starts sucking on the skin in my neck harshly. I clench my wrists into the sheets and throw back my head as my blood rushes to the one spot he's sucking on. I know it'll leave a big, purple mark. But I love it. I love the way Gerard marks me as his. The possesiveness turns me on so bad. I want everyone to know I belong to Gerard, and to no one else.

"Hmmmm, you taste so sweet little girl." Gerard whispers just before he moves his lips to another spot and starts sucking again. A wave of heat rushes through my body and my breath hitches. "F-fuck..." I stutter and bite on my lips harshly. Gerard immediately stops and I freeze. Uh oh... 

It's not who I am... - FrerardWhere stories live. Discover now