Chapter 12

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So yeah. I just had to say that xD

Okay y'know before I start this chapter, today I made a fan nusic video of Helena and I was wondering if you guys wanted to watch it and maybe say what you think of it? I know it's not perfect but I'm really proud of it :)

Okay enjoy the new chapter!!!! X


I get slightly nervous when I walk into the Starbucks building. What if someone sees I'm physically not a girl? Of what if someone recognises me? I bite my lips. Gerard notices my discomfort. He smiles and takes my hand and squeezes is a little.

"Jamia. You look beautiful. Please, you'll be perfectly fine. And if something does happen, I'll protect you." He says and I smile. He's right.

We sit down at a table and I choose which coffee I want. Gerard stands up to get it and to order something for himself as well. It's very busy so I guess it'll take a while. I stare at my reflection in the mirror. It feels... strange... really fucking strange. I've always wanted this and now... now it's suddenly here. I'm being a girl... I-

"OH MY GOD! Joe, is that Frank Iero?!" I hear suddenly and I tense. No... please no... not Joe...


"That blackhaired chick over there!"

"Oh help Andy it's him!"

They start to laugh and when I look up I see they're walking towards me... Fuck... Gerard come back quickly...

They sit down in front of me. Joe trails his eyes all over my body.

"Well Frank. Some explanation would be great."

"Yeah man. Damn you look hot like a chick. Too bad you have a fucking dick or I'd fuck you."

"We can still fuck him Andy. But hey. Frank. Explanation." I start to cry and Andy and Joe laugh at me.

"Damn. He justs wants attention Joe." Andy chuckles. Joe knots his fingers in my hair and tugs really hard.

"Well, if he wants attention he will get. I-"

"Let. Her. Go." I hear suddenly from behind me. Gerard... thank God...

Joe starts to laugh even louder.

"Is this your date Frankie? Have you told him about how fucking fake you are? Does he know that-"

"I know she has a dick, yeah. If that's what you meant, but she is a girl you asshole. Now, leave her alone." Gerard growls. Joe lets go of my hair and stands up. He smacks my butt and then walks away, laughing really hard. Andy follows him quickly and I bite my lips. Gerard kneels besides me and holds me close.

"Shhh... shhh sugar. You'll be okay. Those guys are just fucking assholes who are too stupid to understand things like this." He whispers and I nod. I try to calm down, but all I want is going home. So I can just crawl under my blankets and will never have to come out again.

"Jamia, we can also take the coffee home?" He proposes and I nod.

"Please." I whisper. Gerard strokes my hair,  takes the coffee and then helps me up. I cling onto his arm. We go back to his house in silence. I feel so bad... Joe and Andy are the worst people I know... always making fun of me... Right now my whole school probably knows my secret and no one will ever like me again...

"Babe... you're okay?" Gerard asks me as soon as we reach his room. I shake my head and start to cry again. Gerard just holds me, whispering to me how stupid Joe and Andy are, and that I shouldn't care a shit of what they think, but I can't help...

It's not who I am... - FrerardWhere stories live. Discover now