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"Emmy!," he called out at the 6 year old running down the street ahead of him. "Emmy!"

"Nope" she called back as she continued running, all dressed up in her birthday tutu and sash, she was on some kind of mission.

"Your mom's calling you," Daveed called once again.

"5 minutes," she yelled, turning her head to look at him as she continued running.

At this, Daveed took off running to try to catch her himself. His track skills and her little legs played to his advantage. Seconds after takeoff he was at her back.

"You can't get me!" she giggled as she picked up her speed.

"Yeah I can," Daveed laughed back, laughing all the way as they ran around the culdesac, "Where are you even going?"

"I don't know," Emmy shrugged, her kid sized feet not breaking a single stride.

Still racing, Emmy began to sing. It's my birthday, It's my birthday, I'm the birthday princess. She skipped and galloped her way as she sang the tune, not even noticing the tree branch so inconveniently in her way.

"Ow," she cried as her feet tumbled underneath her. Her knees took most of the fall until she put her hands out to catch herself.

The second the pain kicked in, she began to wail, calling for her mom and anyone who could hear her.

Daveed sprinted to her side. He helped her move from her knees to a sitting position so he could see what was wrong. This movement revealed a large cut on the edge of her knee that was sending blood down her leg. She had a smaller one on the other knee and a few scrapes on her hands but for the most part it was just the one cut.

"Emmy, are you ok?" He asked, concerned and not completely knowing what to do.

"I want my mommy," she sobbed, holding both hands over her knee.

"Come here," he said, reaching out his hand to help her up. She grabbed his hand and stumbled a little before wrapping her arm around him and placing most of her weight on him.

Together they made their way to Emmy's house, where the birthday party would start soon. As they walked in the door, residual tears still glossed Emmy's face and the gash on her leg was more than obvious.

Hearing the door open, Emmy's mom came from her spot in the kitchen. "Emily Raver I have been calling you-" she began before she fully entered the room, "Oh, Emmy."

Daveed handing off the still crying girl to her mom.

"Babygirl what happened?" Emmy's mom asked as she picked her up.

"Through her tears Emmy spoke, "I.. I was.. um- running.. and then.. I fell," she wiped her tears and with her normal dramatic sassiness she added, "But it was completely in my way!"

"All the branch's fault," Daveed smirked, standing across from them.

Emmy's mom set her down and walked off to the kitchen to gather a first aid kit. Once she left Daveed began to tease her. "Lil clumsy" he called, laughing at his best friend.

"Still faster than you tho," Emmy shrugged, "And I'm only 6!"

"Yeah well you had a head start," he pouted as Mrs. Lampman entered the room once again.

"What are yall fighting about now?" she giggled.

"Nothing," the pair said at once, exchanging matching smirks.

Mrs. Lampman got to work, nursing all her daughter's cuts and scrapes. Daveed watched over as she carefully cleaned her arms and legs then applied ointment and bandages. Since they were babies, Daveed had been hanging out with Emmy and this wasn't the first or last time he watched this process.

Shortly after, Emmy was all wrapped up even if her mom had suggested full body bubble wrap, a suggestion garnering an upturned expression from Emmy and a loud laugh for Daveed.

Just then, the doorbell rang, after all they were supposed to be having a birthday party.

"I'll get it!" Emmy jumped up and ran to the door like nothing ever happened. To an energetic, sassy, extroverted 6 year old who loved being the center of attention, her birthday was heaven.

Guests began piling in, kids of all ages whom Emmy knew from school as well as their parents. They all played with each other, danced, and ran all over the Lampman household.

About an hour into the party Daveed began trying to get Emmy's attention. "Em," he whisper-yelled with his hands cuffed around his mouth.

After a few calls she heard him and ran over to his side.

"I have something for you, come over here," Daveed said, motioning to a little alcove made from trees at the corner of the backyard. This was their spot, many a days and nights had been spent here.

Daveed reached in his pocket and pulled out a lumpy object covered in Christmas wrapping paper. Emmy upturned her nostrils for the second time today although she did accept it when he handed it to her.

As she unraveled the paper, she looked down to see she was holding a rock, "Is this a prank?"

"No silly," Daveed playfully rolled his eyes, "Flip it over"

Emmy turned over the rock to see a carving of words, legible but very visible 7 year old boy handwriting. The medium sized rock read:

Diggs & Em
B. F. F. S

"Awww," Emmy cooed at the handmade gift, "This is so cute!"

"You like it?" Daveed asked in his typical shy nature.

"Love it," Emmy smiled and gave him a hug, "Thank you"

"Happy birthday Emmy," he smiled as he hugged his little friend back.

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