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One week after the gender reveal appointment, Daveed found himself waking up to an empty bed. All the lights were still off in the room, yet the side next to him was vacant. He looked around wondering if she had just gotten up to go in the bathroom, but the door was open and the lights were off. His eyes found the clock, wondering if he had just slept egregiously late. That thought proved to be wrong when the clock read 7:00am.

Unbeknownst to him, Emmy had once again left the bed in the middle of the night. She tossed and turned for an hour before she gave up on returning to sleep. She decided to take herself to the kitchen, wondering if some hot tea would soothe her back to rest. The failure of that brought her to the couch where she remained the rest of the night, struck with an idea that couldn't wait until the day began.

Daveed stepped out of the bedroom in his pajamas, his eyes slow to adjust to the bright living room lights. He saw the back of Emmy's head peeking above the couch. She looked completely focused into something so he quietly walked up behind her.

"What are you-" he started before he actually saw what she was making, "Holy shit," he gasped, finally see the large blue macrame she was steady crafting.

"Good morning," she smiled, before continuing her work.

"Good morning?" he said, still processing the large craft, "How- how long have you been awake?"

"Umm... since 3ish..." she replied.

"Em... you need to start sleeping more, baby," he rubbed up and down her arm with his hand.

"I tried. I really did, but I was already too awake, and then I had to use the bathroom, and while I was in the bathroom, I got the idea for this, and I thought since I wasn't tired..." she rambled, "But isn't it gonna look so cute in baby boy's nursery."

Daveed nodded, "It's beautiful," he admired all the details she put in, "I just want to make sure you're taking care of yourself."

"I am," she reassured, "I'll probably knock out after lunch, which is probably why I can't sleep at night, but sleep is sleep, right?" she questioned.

"I guess so," he shrugged, not knowing but not seeing a reason why not as long as she got enough, "I gotta go get ready. I'll let you get back to work," he leaned down to kiss her head before going back in the bedroom.

Daveed got dressed and reentered the living room to Emmy putting the final touches on her piece. She stood up when she saw him and held it up, "Look," she proudly held the art.

"That's amazing," Daveed awed, "You are so brilliant," he walked up to her and ran his fingers ove the macrame.

"Thank you," she blushed, "Are you working today?" she then asked him.

"No, I'm off but Rafa been begging me to hangout," he replied, "I shouldn't be out too late though."

"Ok, I'll see you tonight," she grinned, "Love you."

"See you tonight," he echoed, "I love you too," he added. He ran his hand across her belly and then grabbed his bag to head out the door.

Daveed walked alone until he caught up with Anthony and Rafa before heading to class. He was secretly grateful it was just the three of them because he needed to share something that he couldn't tell the girls about just yet.  He waited for a lull in the conversation and then asked, "Y'all doing anything tonight?"

"No," Rafa replied while Anthony shrugged no.

"Cool," Daveed responded, "I need your help. Meet me after classes and don't tell Jas and Mary."

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