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Things were starting to come together. It was the final stretch. Rehearsals were nearly all work no play, yet somehow they still managed to work around it.

Lora had gone slightly crazy when she found them taking collective bathroom breaks to sneak away, so now they were forced to get just a little more creative. But, they couldn't blame her, there was only a few more rehearsals until opening night.

Yet even so, here Daveed was, standing with all his friends in a supply closet at the back of the auditorium. It was their new hiding spot. Anthony, Jasmine, and Mary were standing in a circle around him, they had to talk quickly and quietly but time stolen was still time.

"No l'm for real, imma be dead before this show even open," Anthony groaned, wrapping his arms around Jasmine and dramatically leaning into her back. His loud and drawn out sigh had Jas rolling her eyes and holding in a giggle.

She raised her hand to his shoulder and patted it twice. "You'll survive," she mocked him, "And don't come crying when Lora catches us cause of your whining."

"Y'all see what I have to deal with," Anthony's chin sat up on Jasmine's shoulder as he looked at Daveed and Mary. His comment elicited chuckles from the other side and and buck from Jasmine, using her body to push him slightly.

"Hey!" Anthony gasped in an over dramatic reaction. He pulled his arms around her tighter and pressed a kiss to her shoulder, "M'sorry baby, you know I love you" sweetly speaking to beg for her forgiveness.

"Mhm," Jasmine muttered although her blush contradicted it. She fell into a slow sway as Anthony rocked her side to side.

Anthony turned his attention away from her and to the other half of their circle once more. Daveed and Mary had been only halfway paying attention to Jas and Ant, their history of friendship and current one thankfully giving enough material to occupy themselves away from the flirting. Their conversation only broke when Anthony asked "Diggs, how's the wifey?"

Daveed began to lightly laugh at the question and it's phrasing. "She doesn't like the online school. At all. But... she's fine. She's got this new thing. Singing to the baby. I'll walk in and she's just looking down at it singing. She says it makes the day go by faster and... something about transferring her voice to the baby? I don't know, but it's the cutest thing," he rambled on.

Jasmine's eyes caught Mary's and the two girls blushed at Daveed's blushing of their friend. They broke into grins at how passionately he spoke about Emmy.

Daveed looked around with confusion in his eyes at what prompted the smiles. He rocked back and forth on his toes, wondering if he would get an explanation.

Finally able to calm down, Jasmine smiled softly at Daveed and slightly switched topics, "Is she coming to the show?"

Daveed's shoulder raised into a shrug, "I uh... I don't know. I haven't asked. Might be kinda hard for her to-" He thought back to her current state. She was fine yes, but he felt like she was just starting to adjust to life without theater. He didn't know whether or not the show would be like shoving that in her face.

Mary lifted her hand up to slide it against Daveed's shoulder. "That's understandable, D. You should still ask her though, you know, just extend the invitation."

Jasmine nodded her head to agree. Her eyes were sympathetic and she opened her mouth to speak, "It might feel good for her to be back in the theater... or it could go completely opposite and she mopes for weeks."

"That's encouraging," Daveed's tone gave way to sarcasm and his eyes widened with his rising eyebrows, "I'll ask her though, I think she'll be alright."

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