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It was a weird feeling being back in her old room. Back in the room that once housed her naive freshman self, knowing nothing of what her life would be like in the next few months. The room itself hadn't changed much, the decorations still having the same vibe they fell in love with on day one. The largest change was Mary now living on her old side. She had decided to move in to keep Jas company shortly after Emmy had left. There were all kinds of new plants and posters, but the initial feeling was still there. It was still home.

At the moment, she was sitting next to Mary atop her bed. The three girls were all hanging out while waiting for the guys to join them. Emmy was fiddling her knuckles, waiting to drop the bomb she had been sitting on for the past week. She had wanted the week to have a little bubble with Daveed, but now she was overjoyed to share.

Mary took a seat next took her on the bed, a bowl of fruit in her hand. "Apple?" she offered. Emmy hardly wanted to eat because of the excitement but she took one anyway. Lucky for her, just as she was about to crunch down, the door moved from knocks bearing down on the other side.

Jas jumped up to open the door and as expected, the trio of Rafa, Daveed, and Anthony awaited on the other side. "Heyyyy," Rafa said in a sing-song-like voice as he entered the room.

Emmy also jumped down from the bed the second she saw Daveed and she quickly gravitated towards him. He enveloped her in a hug, and very slyly, slid the ring into the palm of her hand. They'd known that if she wore it, the secret would be out immediately, so Daveed had held on to it.

Once Jasmine, Anthony, and Rafa had sat down, Emmy turned away from Daveed to face them. "Hey guys," she got their attention, "We've got something to tell you," she grabbed hold of Daveed's hand.

"Hold up," Jas interrupted," How big is this news like... we gotta brace ourselves?" she asked.

Emmy giggled while shaking her head, "You might wanna grab something."

Jasmine dramatically gripped her sheets and pitched her body foreword. She bounced a couple times like that of a child waiting for a surprise. Mary followed suit as well, the two of them holding in laughs while they did.

"Y'all good now?" Daveed raised his eyebrow. Jas and Mary nodded and he squeezed Emmy's hand to give her the go-ahead.

"Alright everyone," she inhaled," We're engaged!" she said with a big smile. Jumping right into it, she held her ring hand up to show off the subtly flashy ring. 

Jasmine jumped up first. She squealed loudly and ran over to her best friend. "Emmy!" she exclaimed. She came upon her hand and examined the ring. "Damnnnn," she gasped. Her mind was overwhelmed by the surprise emotions, "When? How? What?" her questions started to fall out and Mary joined behind her.

Daveed smirked at the guys who were sitting on a bed and desk chair. The shopping prior had let them in on the secret, but this was the first confirmation that he'd actually gone through with it. Rafa clapped silently behind the girls and Anthony nodded his head to cheer Daveed on.

The girls were still squealing while Emmy began to answer some of their questions. Daveed slightly eavesdropped on her descriptions of the night, "...and he took me to Central Park at night and just pulled it out. I literally had no idea!" she exclaimed. The three girls had formed their own little bubble, none of them being able to contain the excitement.

"I get best man right?" Rafa said loud enough for the whole room.

"Aye, what about me?" Anthony rebutted.

"No wedding yet," Daveed shook his head.

Jasmine pulled out slightly from their circle and looked between Daveed and Emmy. Her eyebrows raised in confusion, "No wedding?" she asked, perplexed.

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