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Emmy was about to head off to the coffee date? meeting? gathering? She didn't know, and she also didn't know how she felt about it.

She had pushed against it and thought of every excuse in the book, but Jasmine and Mary practically shoved her out the door with an order of Be Friendly. So, here she was walking to a coffee shop that was on the next block from campus.

It wasn't like she was scared of Daveed, she'd known him her whole life. But she couldn't lie and say that she wasn't anxious for this. What would she even say to him? She still harbored some hurt, but at the same time, she was the one who initiated... everything.

She turned the corner and she could see the shop in the distance. She was also met in the face with Daveed, he was coming from the opposite corner, their timing somehow lining up perfectly.

He waved and shot her a smile as they made eye contact. She mouthed a Hello and before she knew it, they were both at the door of Sunrise Coffee Co.

Daveed took a step back and held the door open for her, "You first."

"Thank you," Emmy smiled softly.

The place was slightly busy, but most people just came and went. Daveed and Emmy took spots in line and waited before Emmy broke the short silence.

"So... how have you been?" she asked.

"I'm good, I'm good," Daveed nodded, "Just- thinking a lot."

"Yeah, yeah, I've been doing my own share of that," Emmy replied.

Daveed grinned and for the first time she noticed the silver glasses that sat on his nose. He never used to like wearing them, he'd say they made him look nerdier than he already was. But now that she thought about it, he'd been wearing them ever since she saw him at orientation.

"You're wearing your glasses again," she said, pointing at them with a wide grin.

"I am," he laughed.

"You never liked them before," Emmy remembered.

Daveed nodded his head, "I don't know, I guess one day I just picked them back up. A lot has changed since before."

Before she could respond, it was their turn to order. They greeted the employee and Emmy ordered a chai latte and coffee cake while Daveed ordered an iced coffee, black with only one pump of creamer.

"That hasn't changed," Emmy laughed and reached to pull out her wallet.

"Oh no, I got it," Daveed said, having his card already out and ready to hand to the girl across the counter.

"I could've gotten it," Emmy half- whined.

"Don't worry about it," Daveed shrugged and shook his head.

A couple minutes later, their orders were ready. They grabbed their drinks and started towards a table that was situated in the corner and by the window.

"This isn't some kind of date is it?" Emmy asked as they walked.

"No," Daveed sighed, "Just wanted to talk."

They put down their food and pulled out the chairs so they could sit down. As he sat, Daveed took note of how cute she looked today. She wasn't dressed up a whole lot but she looked really pretty.

"I wish this was a date" the thought popped into his head. He quickly shook it out internally. He didn't know what was going on. He didn't have feelings for her and he should've never let that night go that far.

"So..." Emmy prompted, breaking him out of his head.

"So.. about the other day," Daveed said slowly, "I-"

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