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Daveed wasn't even huge on shopping, and when he was he preferred online, but somehow found himself walking through the streets carrying bags from stores he'd never even heard of. The longer they spent out, the heavier his hands got. They had been in more stores than he could count and he was slowly becoming a clothing rack. Or, you know, a shopping bag model.

He was on the sidewalk next to Emmy, behind Jasmine and Anthony, and in front of Mary and Rafa- who'd actually been hanging out a lot recently.

The whole group was quite clustered together, and Rafa and Anthony were matching Daveed in that they'd become personal bag holders as well.

Jasmine, Emmy, and Mary had been having the times of their lives, moving in and out of stores, spending money they didn't have. They had all wanted to hang out, but as always, didn't know what to do, so shopping it was.

Daveed didn't think he could physically take anymore bags, and it worked out because, looking over Emmy, he could tell she was getting to be on the same wavelength.

It had been hours since they left campus and he could see Emmy's energy becoming lower as the day went along. She was so excitedly moving through the stores at first, but now she was just casually strolling, following Jasmine's lead.

"Omg, is that a Monte Carlo?" Mary exclaimed, shooting her way towards the front, her arm pointing at a store ahead.

Rafa followed Mary as Jasmine gasped and skipped to catch up with her. "No way!" Jas shrieked and headed into the store. Anthony jogged up behind her, all the bags in his hands bouncing.

Emmy looked at Daveed in a Do-we-have-to-go-to-another-store? manner. This told Daveed just how tired she really was because Emmy had probably used this look all of three times her entire life.

Daveed kept walking forward when his eyes caught view of a small alleyway right next to the store. He shifted the bags in his hand to grab Emmy's. "Come here," he said, leading her into the alleyway.

Once she followed him inside, he dropped the bags and used his body to compress hers to the wall. He put his hand behind her head to protect it against the bricks and suctioned his lips to hers. He kissed her deeply, moving quickly but taking full dominance as he stood before her.

With both their lips puffy and awaiting more, he took a small step back and pulled away. "Been waiting to kiss you all day," he said with great satisfaction, giving her a soft smile.

"You should do it again," Emmy looked up at him. She took her tongue and ran it slowly across her teeth, "Just, for good measure."

"God," Daveed groaned, "Get over here." She stepped forward and he pulled her towards him. He took hold of her lips, putting his hands on her waist and kissing her just as passionately as before. Before pulling away, they shared a series of lighter kisses, breaths hitching between each one.

"We need to stop before I take you in this fucking alley," Daveed said gruffly. His eyes were getting darker and sweat started to form along his back and chest.

Emmy grinned slyly and grabbed one of his hands that was resting on her waist. She moved it down to where his palms were hovering over her ass. Daveed took her very clear signal and gave it a firm squeeze.

His hips brushed hers as he used his grip to bring her even closer. Emmy moaned loudly in surprise. Remembering the location, Daveed joined his mouth to her own once more in attempts to cover the kitten-like sounds. "We're finishing this later," Daveed commanded, making sure she knew he meant it.

With that, Emmy took his hand again and giggled as she ran forward to catch up with the others in the store. Daveed followed her grasp, his hair blowing in the wind.

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