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Music was booming from the speakers of the 4th floor dorm they now called home. Within the room was Emmy, Jasmine, and Mary preparing for their girls night.

After rehearsal block, this was exactly what Emmy needed to clear her head, and she couldn't be more excited.

The three girls were all getting dressed and then they would head to a club that Jasmine had found called 'The 7'. Of course, they were all underage but there'd be plenty of other college kids there so they wouldn't be the only ones without drinks.

Emmy, Jasmine, and Mary had unintentionally matched with their outfits. Emmy pulled on a silky pink dress while Mary and Jasmine pulled on nearly identical red and black ones.

"Are we going for sisters tonight?" Jasmine asked with a laugh.

"How did this even happen?" Mary chuckled, looking around at the three of them.

"We look like the powerpuff girls," Emmy giggled, "Cute powerpuff girls though, of course."

"Very," Mary added and grabbed her clutch that was sitting on Emmy's bed, "I'm ready if y'all are."

Jasmine tossed her hair once more time to add a little more volume and then checked herself in the mirror, "I'm good too."

"One second," Emmy paused and then leaned over to pick up two pairs of high heels, "White or black?"

"Hmmm," Jasmine and Mary pondered in unison.

"The white might get dirty, so I say black," Jasmine reasoned.

"But your toes are painted white, so it would match," Mary objected.

"Yeahhhh, but is it too much white?" Jas replied.

"Y'all are doing way too much," Emmy shook her head and laughed, "I'll just wear the black.

Emmy slipped on the shoes and the three of them were finally ready to go. The club was a little bit deeper into the city but it was only about a 15 minute walk.

Once they arrived, they had to go through security to be let through the door. Inside, it was a dark room illuminated by tons of led lights in the ceiling and floors. There was a dance floor to one side, seating to another, and lastly a bar in the corner. People were filing in like sardines but the energy was on high.

Jasmine, Emmy, and Mary danced their way through the crowds and immediately went on the dance floor. It was about 10pm so the party was really just getting started.

The music was extremely loud and everyone on the floor was jumping up and down. All three of them were screaming song lyrics to each other and just having a great time.

Mary was nearly lost in the moment when she caught view of the door. Just making it inside from security was Daveed, Rafa, and their friend Anthony.

Anthony was a second year theatre major as well. Jasmine and Emmy only really knew his name from the iceberg they'd played, but he seemed pretty chill. He was definitely cute, wearing a fitted t shirt with a chain and some jeans.

"Hey, look y'all it's Daveed," Mary pointed at the door.

"Huh?," Emmy asked while she was still bouncing. She moved in the direction of Mary's finger and finally noticed who she was pointing at.

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