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2 excruciating weeks later, the casting announcement was posted outside the door of the auditorium. Everyone had gathered around the second Lora had taped the piece of paper up. Daveed, Emmy, Jasmine, and Anthony were among the few. Their eyes trained on the dark writing that spelled their names:

The Baker: Daveed Diggs
Cinderella: Emmy Raver-Lampman
Little Red Riding Hood: Jasmine Cephas Jones
The Witch: Mary Moret
Jack: Anthony Ramos

The five of them skimmed over the parts that weren't there's, not looking too much into them. They stepped back just a little from the doors to let other people in before beginning their celebrations.

"Lets goooo," Anthony jumped after reading all their names. He then turned to Jasmine, his demeanor dramatically shifted, "Waddup lil red," he smirked suggestively.

Jasmine shook her head at him and giggled, "Alright Jack," she said even though she was leaning back into him.

"A princess," Daveed smiled down at Emmy. He put one hand on her back and pulled her in close before pressing a kiss to her forehead.

"Bippidy Boppidy," she started, "Boo," she finished with a kiss on his lips.

"Damn, I cannot do this double third wheeling thing," Mary exclaimed with a slight chuckle, breaking up both parties.

Emmy turned around and leaned her back on Daveed's chest. "Sorry Mary," she said half-sarcastically. "Congrats girl," she added genuinely.

"C'mere Mer," Jas said sympathetically, walking over to pull her into a congratulatory hug.

They talked about the roles a bit more before the conversation went dry. The whole time they talked Jasmine and Anthony and Daveed and Emmy hadn't really moved from their positions. With his arms wrapped around her shoulders and her frame still leaning back on him, Daveed spoke up, "Y'all wanna get out of her?"

"What's the move?" Anthony replied, his arms around Jasmine's waist.

"I... don't know yet," he laughed, "How about we walk y'all to your rooms and then hit you back later with a plan?"

"I'm definitely good with getting out of here," Mary replied, "And can the plan involve finding me a man?"

Emmy laughed at her friend and then moved out of Daveed's grasp. In turn, she grabbed his hand, "Lets go."

Daveed and Anthony walked with them along the way to the girls dorm. They went up the stairs and to the outside of the girls' doors.

"We'll see y'all sometime later," Daveed said to the whole group. Jasmine went to unlock the door and he pulled Emmy into a quick hug. This last week, he'd fallen even harder for her even through his best efforts. He was trying to protect himself in case she didn't feel the same but he couldn't control it. There was something about her that made him want to spend every second near her, and when he was around her, he had to be touching her in some kind of way.

He pulled away and walked off into the hallway with Anthony. They waved goodbye once more and then headed towards their own dorm room.

Mary, Jasmine, and Emmy entered Jasmine and Emmy's room and closed the door behind them. They scattered among the room and made casual conversation as they waited around for an update from the boys.

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