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She hit the switch to the illuminated OPEN sign of Sunrise Coffee Co. It was the coffee shop she now worked at for a full week, the coffee shop she was in charge of opening for the day, and the coffee shop where she accepted Daveed's apology- in the bathroom.

That detail was left out when she applied and interview for the job a couple weeks before. It had been so important to her that she get a job, not only to support her kid but also because she felt that she might go slightly insane sitting in front of a computer day in and day out. And frankly, it was a lot easier than she thought; it turns out people are very sympathetic for 18 year old pregnant girls cut off from their parents.

This intense desire for the job translated into an eagerness to learn quickly and her being allowed to open alone after only one week. She cut on the lights, turned on the brew, put out the pastries, and once the list was complete, her and her baby were ready to serve the New Yorkers quickly filing in.

She ran through the rush of the morning, making more lattes than she could keep track and blurting many "Behind!'s" as she shuffled past her coworkers. She slowed down just slightly to take the order of a woman, probably in her 60s, who asked her how her day was going and how she was in a way that Emmy could tell she genuinely cared.

Emmy had assumed she saw her belly although she didn't know how much the apron masked it. She answered truthfully, she was actually doing pretty good in the moment. She didn't mind the business and she felt so much more energized than she had sitting at home the week prior. With that answer, she reciprocated the woman's original question and waited for her answer. This short conversation ending in the woman leaving Emmy with a smile and a "Hang in there!" as she walked out holding a caramel cream cold brew. A smile of her own etched its way onto Emmy's face. That woman was exactly what she needed to get through the dozens of people moving in and out the door.

Just when she could take a moment to breathe, another ring came from the bell hanging above the door. Although, the footsteps walking through brought no stress. It was quite the opposite actually, because it was someone she knew very well.

She blushed wildly as he waved and walked towards her. "What are you doing here?" she giggled from behind the counter.

Matching her giggle he replied, "Thought I'd come see my favorite person in action."

Knowing exactly what he'd order, Emmy had staring making his ever so simple coffee order. It was one she could do with her eyes closed. As she was putting the one pump of cream she spoke, "You just missed it, literally."

"Damn," he exclaimed, reaching for his coffee, "At least I got to see you. I got spoiled having you at home every morning"

She smiled softly, "Another life change. Seems like we run towards those." she smirked.

"I guess we do," he grinned, "Keeps it interesting."

Emmy let out another grin. The conversation was such small talk but it was making her so happy. These little conversations with him or even with random customers brought her back to a sense of normalcy she lost 12 weeks ago. It felt good to just chat short sentences about nothing when everything was usually so heavy.

Daveed checked the watch he kept on his wrist, "I got to run or I'm gonna be late to "History of Theater," he said with dramatic air quotes, "But I'll see you tonight?"

"Of course," she nodded her head with a soft smile. Daveed blew her a kiss through the air and headed out the door after leaving the money for a coffee. Out the door, he started walking down the streets towards school, holding on to Emmy's gaze until he reached the last glass panel of the shop.

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