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"Have a good day at school my darling," Daveed said as he pressed a kiss to her forehead. He didn't have much time to waste, already cutting it close to get the most out of the morning with her. This had been his routine for a little bit now, leaving her in the place while he made the trek to Marymount, only difference today was she'd be connecting to her new school.

It was sort of a dissonance to Emmy. She hadn't been to a class in 3 weeks, but it felt weird to think she'd be doing classes that weren't with all her friends. "My school looks a lot like an apartment," she giggled as she leaned into him.

"At least you can nap after every class," Daveed tried his hand at optimism. He grabbed his backpack from its place by the door and headed towards it, "See you later, you two, I love you."

"We love you too," she smiled as she watched him turn away and pull open the door, closing it between them like he had so many days before. Like every other morning he left, the moment directly after, the apartment felt so cold and empty. In this short time they had lived together, she had so quickly become accustomed to his presence, and the way her heart overflowed when they were in their home together. This was irrefutably the best thing about living with him, the transformation from simply a friend to the one who made her feel at home.

She moved over to their shared desk to prepare herself. All her books and stationary laid in the drawer above his and she placed her laptop on the desk. Her eyes closed for only a moment as she mentally prepared herself. She wouldn't be taking online theatre courses, that would be challenging through a screen. That conservatory version of education didn't exist at her new community college. Her classes were basic: the maths, sciences, and english. All working towards finishing her credit hours, and none catered to what she was actually passionate about.

In the back of her mind, she still held on to slivers of fleeting hope. That maybe after the baby she could go back, finish out her dream of studying theatre. The Broadway aspect was foggy but maybe one day? She had to hold on to that for her sanity, just a little faith that not everything was over.

She sat down on her desk and opened the first module that started her Calculus 1 class. A quiet groan came out of her when she read through all the functions and trigonometry she'd have to do.

Nevertheless, she persisted. She did all the tasks for that module of the day and 2 more, just to get ahead. After 2 hours given to that subject, she switched over to biology. Same process, same groan at the label "The parts of the cell."

As she worked, she began to cradle her baby. "I hope you like biology more than your mommy does." she giggled as she talked to her stomach, "But... your daddy hates it too so.. good luck."

She continued to click the buttons, assignment after assignment. She was so bored, so fidgety, but she just kept talking to her baby and that helped time pass slightly.

Emmy stood from her chair to take a break for lunch once she finished with her second class of the day. When she turned from the desk, she was confronted with the full length mirror they had stood against the wall. She took note of the pajamas and house shoes and realized she hadn't actually gotten ready for the day. There wasn't much to push you to shower when you weren't going anywhere.

She moved into their bedroom and started to get ready to hop in the shower. She let the warm water run over her, enjoying the peace she had to rest her mind after all the schoolwork. She ran the loofah over her belly, every time she touched it she felt a smile pull at her dimples. Every touch felt so unreal yet so natural at the same time.

She stepped out of the shower and dressed herself, in sweats of course. Her next journey for the day was from the bedroom to the kitchen. The eating for 2 was definitely kicking in on her and she was taking full advantage.

The second she stepped in the kitchen, her brain focused on nothing but the Trader Joe's salad and leftover burger she knew was in the fridge. It was her all time favorite and the best part was she didn't have to do any cooking.

She reached the bottom of her plate and had to build up the strength to trudge back to her desk. Her short break was over and she had to get back to work. In her English class, she was required to watch a lecture. Her head fell to the hand she had propped on her elbow while the older professor went on and on about a book. She couldn't neither did she care to maintain focus and her thoughts drifted to what she would've been doing right now. It likely would've been rehearsal block, or anything more interesting than this.

She thought about the play, about the lead role she'd left behind. The understudy had just stepped full time into the role, that information let on to her by Jasmine. She couldn't help but miss it, she didn't regret anything, but her life was just so different now, and she was still making the adjustment.

Her hand fell back to the familiar place on her belly and she opened her mouth to let a tune fall out for the first time in a while. "Now it's he and not you, who'll be stuck with a shoe. In a stew, in the goo. And I've learned something too, Something I never knew, on the steps of the palace." It was one of Cinderella's songs, the last few lines. She had been over it so many times, if only she'd known...

She shook her head. She thought deeply for a moment on what she had just done. She sung for her baby. The smile came back upon her features and she imagined that if the baby could they'd be doing the same. Her mind floated towards the future, continuing to sing to her growing baby, in and out of the womb, sharing her love of theater with them. It was things she never thought she'd be dreaming of but here they were.

Her work went on a few more hours, partially in attempts to get ahead, before Daveed was putting his key in the lock. He pushed the door open and she turned to greet him, and Jasmine, Anthony, Rafa, and Mary who all trailed behind him.

"Oh wow, hey everyone," Emmy smiled as she surveyed the room. On her glimpse, she noticed Jasmine holding a box like that of a bakery.

The whole group moved further into their place and Daveed completed the distance to Emmy. "Hey babe, are you still working?" he pointed to her still open laptop.

"Oh, no, I'm good for the day," she nodded, dramatically shutting the computer and then looking back at him.

"Was it that bad?" Daveed giggled at Emmy falling into his arms.

"Miserable. Absolutely terrible. Hated every second," she whined. After a second or two she looked back up, "I'm just playing, it was fine. Extremely boring but... fine."

"Well," Daveed began as he turned back to Jasmine, "Maybe this can make it a little bit better."

Jasmine stepped forward and the contents of the box became visible to Emmy. A round layered cake sat within, beautifully decorated with "Happy 1st Day, Emmy" spelled across the top.

A blush tinted Emmy's cheeks and she grinned at all her best friends, "Oh my gosh, y'all didn't have to."

"I mean, I could just eat it myself," Rafa shrugged as he cackled at his own joke and reached his hands in the direction of the box.

Jasmine swatted Rafa's hands away from the box and smiled at Emmy, "We wanted to do something for you. And it's your favorite bakery."

"Y'all are the best," Emmy's grin remained as she shook her head, "Now put it in the kitchen so I can hug you."

The cake went to the kitchen counter as ordered, and the group merged into a group hug. Emmy had saw them all the day before, but everyday her family went to school together without her made her miss them desperately.

"Soo..." Anthony began, pulling away from the hug, "Cake time?"

"Cake time," Daveed nodded and took Emmy's hand over to the cake. He cut his girlfriend the first piece, a celebration to the first day of one more new beginning.

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