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"Come onnnnn" Emmy whined, "It's probably not that bad" she giggled and tried to push open Daveed's mouth.

Daveed lifted his hand over his mouth before speaking, "So what you're implying is that you know it's bad"

"No," she said a little more than halfheartedly, "I mean- whatever, stop reading into it and open your mouth."

They were sitting in their middle school cafeteria, a whole group of them. Somehow the stars had aligned and Daveed's lunch block had been put at the same time as Emmy's even though he was in 8th grade and she was in 7th.

Today, Daveed had come into school late, just in time for lunch. He had an orthodontist appointment earlier and had allegedly gotten braces, although he wouldn't let anybody see.

The whole table was picking with him, teasing him, and trying to get him to open his mouth. He persisted, his hand raised to his face everytime he talked or ate, and he used all his facial muscles when Emmy tried to physically open it.

"You're not gonna be able to hide it forever, Diggs," Rafa smirked.

"Yeah, what he said" Emmy pointed at him in agreement. She had been the most steadfast, they were 15 minutes into their 30 minute block and she hadn't let the subject change once.

She had, however, been thinking of a plan, and now was her moment.

Daveed's biggest fear was getting in trouble. He was the most goody two shoes person Emmy had ever met. He almost always played by the rules and if he didn't it was out of creative need, never mischief.

She knew it was a bit harsh but she thought it'd be funny so she went along with it.

"Daveed, the principal just walked in and I saw her mouth your name to the teacher" she pointed at the door behind him.

His eyes widened and mouth dropped almost simultaneously. As was her evil plan, his sore mouth didn't drop completely and parts of his teeth were visible.

Their whole group smiled and Emmy laughed at her perfectly executed plan. "I told you they weren't bad!" she giggled.

Daveed turned his head back from where he had turned to face the door. "Wait..." he said confusedly before he realized and immediately shot his hand to his mouth.

"We already saw them silly," Emmy smiled mostly from satisfaction.

"I don't like them," he pouted and sank slightly into his chair.

"It's ok Daveed, I had them," Rafa tried to comfort, "And when Emmy gets them you can make fun of her too."

"My mommy says I don't need them," she sassed back.

Rafa shot her a glare and patted Daveed twice on the back. Daveed took the comfort he was offering and slowly brought himself back up in the chair.

"I'm sorry Daveed," Emmy spoke, "They're really not bad, I promise."

"Mhm," he said, not lifting his head up to look at her.

Emmy took a second to think before coming up with a way to cheer him up. She looked down at her lunchbox and her half eaten bag of goldfish. She took a goldfish and flicked it over to his side of the table, piece after piece until he started laughing.

"Hey," he half yelled half laughed, frantically trying to catch the fast flying goldfish.

"There's the smile," she said, smiling back at him.

"You got me," he laughed, popping a goldfish in his mouth.

Just then, the lunch bell rang, and chaos ensued as all the middle schoolers rushed out. It was time for Daveed, Emmy, Rafa and the rest of their friends to part ways once again.

"Walking home today?" Daveed asked Emmy as they were getting up to leave.

"Yup," she said cheerfully, gathering up all her trash, including the stray goldfish.

"You got a lot to clean up ma'am, and, meet by the gym?" he asked.

"No! I already got the last one," she smiled, holding up the fish,"And yep you know the routine, but don't be late mister"

"Won't be," he said before being whisked away into the swarm of 8th graders.

Emmy looked around at the quickly clearing lunchroom and ran off herself, joining into a group of her 7th grade friends.


Just like they agreed, Daveed and Emmy arrived from their two ends of the hallway to the central gym at 3:40 sharp.

"Ready to go train-man?" Emmy teased him.

"You're so mean," he faked a pout.

"You can not talk," she grinned, "You bully me every year because of the ONE time I fell when I was 6"

"Can you blame me?" he laughed outwardly, "Every single picture from that day shows your big bloody knee."

"It had a bandaid!" She hit his shoulder.

Daveed laughed even harder, "A bandaid the size of your face!"

"Just for that, I'm leaving," she too fake pouted and turned around to stomp away.

Daveed took off running behind her and Emmy started skipping, a mirror image of her 6th birthday. "You barely know the way home" he called.

"Watch me," she laughed.

They ran past other students, teachers, and parents just calling jokes out to each other, giggling and laughing. Every day went like this, the two best friends constantly making each other's stomachs hurt from laughter.

"Wanna go swimming tonight?" Emmy called behind her, not knowing that he had made it right to her back"

"Best you there!" he grinned, and the two raced all the way to Emmy's house.

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