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May 2017

Emmy checked her watch. 2:00pm. Just enough timing to get from her home to the city for her audition. She nervously shook in her sneakers. This was it. This was the moment she had been waiting and preparing for for months.

She was auditioning for a local show, The Wandering, but the company behind it was extremely notable for getting their casts Broadway connections. Every waking thought Emmy had was about this audition. She wanted nothing more than to be on Broadway and now was her chance.

She headed out of her house and into her car to drive to the audition. Once she got in the car she texted Daveed, hoping he could quell some of her jitters.

"Hey, heading to the audition!"
"Break a leg!!"
"Hoping to🤞"

With that she pulled out of her driveway and hit the road. She did her vocal warm ups on the way there and rehearsed her audition song.

It didn't take terribly long to get to the place, but there was some traffic. She had accounted for that when she left, however, so she was there in perfect time.

Emmy pulled into the parking lot and was shocked to see she was the only car there. She didn't let it phase her and simply pulled into a parking lot and got out of her car.

Once she got out, she walked up to the door and saw a mostly dim building except for a single janitor sweeping. What the heck, she thought to herself and pushed open the door.

She was right, the only person inside was the janitor. No fellow actors, no panelists, no one.

She walked up to the janitor, "Do you know where The Wandering auditions are?"

"Umm... those were last week," he said, looking at her confusedly.

"No, no I got an email saying they were pushed to today," Emmy said with certainty.

"They we're definitely last week," he continued, "I remember how loud it was in here."

"So.. why'd I get an email saying they were today?" Emmy asked.

"I don't know," he shrugged, "Did you miss another one saying they moved it back?"

Emmy pulled out her phone, her hands shaking in distress. She searched up and down her inbox and nothing was there except the sign up confirmation and the notice of a date changed.

"I didn't get anything," she said, worry rising in her voice.

"I'm sorry sweetheart, I believe you missed it," he sighed and continued with his sweeping.

"No, no, this was my- this was my chance, no," tears started to form in her eyes. Emmy ran back through the door she came in as small sobs began to overtake her.

Emmy jumped in her car and slammed her hands on the steering wheel. "Fuck," she yelled through her cries, "What the fuck?"

Every time she was either upset about something or was crying there were 2 options she had set. Go to her best friend's house or get some ice cream. This however, felt bigger than ice cream and she was too crushed to go into any store. She drove in her hysterical state all the way to his house.

Emmy pulled into the driveway of the Diggs Residence and hopped out. She was still lightly crying and extremely upset but she was no longer sobbing.

This composure dropped when she was greeted by Daveed after she knocked on the door. She immediately fell into the arms of her friend and started sobbing all over again.

"Hey, Emmy," he said, looking at her questionably but accepting the embrace nonetheless, ".... what's wrong?"

Emmy started to speak between her sobs, "My... audition.. I.. got... the... wrong... date... and.... it's... too... late... now..."

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