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Emmy wallowed in bed after sleeping in on a Saturday morning that already felt somewhat... off. She attributed it to simply feeling lazy because her body wasn't used to the extra sleep but it wasn't just her. Daveed had went on his typical Saturday run, although since he had returned, things didn't seem usual on his end either. He felt there but not, like he was removed from himself. She'd noticed a few of these moments over the last week, but today was much moreso.

Today was the day. As he shook up a protein shake, Daveed knew he would do it today. It had been relentlessly consuming his thoughts the whole last week he'd carried the ring in his pocket. He'd almost pulled it out so many times, but he knew if he waited it could be that much more special.

He was doing his best to hide it, making sure the box was covered and he didn't accidentally drop any hints, and he figured the surprise was still decently safe. The only thing he couldn't hide was nerves, and he was already starting to feel those heightened today.

Emmy had relaxed in bed as long as she could and walked out of the bedroom. She saw him in the kitchen, walking back and forth, occasionally taking sips of a protein shake. "Hey babe," she called from where she was standing.

"Hey," Daveed answered simply. He knew if he said more or rambled even a little she'd see right through his nerves and call him on it.

"Hello...," Emmy replied slowly, very confused by the shortness. She moved over towards the kitchen and opened the pantry. It was getting close enough to noon for lunch and she was more than hungry enough. "I'm thinking spaghetti for lunch, sound good?"

"Sure," Daveed nodded, finally standing still. He began to take over cleaning while Emmy cooked, another way he could keep his mind busy.

She set out the plates for the two of them and they took their seats. They sat in quite an awkward silence, the only noise coming from Daveed's fork quickly twirling through the spaghetti.

"You're getting sauce all over your face," Emmy chuckled at him.

"Oh," Daveed looked up for the first time, "Oops," he laughed lightly.

Emmy couldn't figure out what was up. She still felt like his mind was off somewhere completely else. "Is everything ok?" she asked.

"Yeah," Daveed frowned, wondering why she asked but deciding refrain from questioning, "But um, I got us tickets for a show tonight, it's Off Broadway, looks incredible though."

"Ok, sure," Emmy smiled, internally wondering if this was what had him so worked up. She couldn't figure out why asking her to a show would make him so nervous. She loved theater.

Once they'd both finished their food and completed the dishes, Emmy went back into their room to get dressed for the day. She threw on some simple sweats and assumed she'd just put on something nicer later.

Outside the room, Daveed was pressing himself for his horrible performance of playing it cool. He just wanted tonight to be perfect for her. He knew he was overthinking it but he couldn't really help it. The stench from his workout clothes was starting to get to him, so he hoped a hot shower would clear his head a little.

He went into the bedroom to see Emmy sitting on the bed scrolling through her phone. He walked up to the bedside and loosely grabbed one of her hands. "Wanna shower together?" he stared into her eyes.

"I literally just took one," she responded, holding his eyes. Daveed tilted his head to nudge her without words, "Ok," she responded, not being able to withstand his doe-like pupils.

In the bathroom, Daveed turned the water to a just right setting. They removed their clothes and stepped under the water. Emmy stood in front of him and he used his arms to pull her back to his chest. His hands rested on her belly while his head lie on her shoulder. "I love you so much," he said into her ear.

A blush took over Emmy's face as she responded, "I love you too. She turned herself in his arms and wrapped her own around his back. She smushed her face against the damp hairs of his chests and they swayed under the warm water together.

After a few moments, Emmy lifted her head and took some soap on a rag. "Here," she said before rubbing the soap into his back. She slowly washed all of his sweat away, remaining close the whole time, maintaining the intimate moments of before."Bend down some," she told him before grabbing a dot of shampoo.

"Hair too? God, I am so lucky," Daveed said in appreciation. As he squatted to her level, he kept balance by holding on to her hips. He used his new height to press a string of kisses along her neck and collarbone.

"Alright done," she smiled after a few minutes. She pulled Daveed back up to his regular height and they joined each other in a kiss. They captured each other's lips as the water continued to pour onto them. The kiss lingered, each one of their hands moving up and down their backs, not wanting to break contact.

Once the water started to itch their skin, the two of them left the shower. Daveed grabbed a towel and wrapped it around Emmy first before grabbing another one for himself.

They moved back into the room and rather than getting dressed they simply laid out clothes for the night and put on robes, not wanting to sit around in nice clothes. The two of them planted themselves atop the comforter and cuddled into one another. One movie passed just enough time before it was time for them to get ready for the 5pm show.

Emmy pulled on a black dress and some chunky heels while Daveed wore a dress shirt and some colored pants. With that, they were soon headed out of the door, hand in hand.

They were seeing Runaways, it was new to Off Broadway and was insane on paper, very typical for the medium. There was romance, action, fights, and apparently great music. The two of them couldn't wait. In the short wait for curtains, they read the playbill while Emmy rested her head on his shoulder.

2 hours later, the show had proven itself to be everything on summary and more. It was riveting and neither one could stop talking about it while they walked the streets of the city. "Let's go to Central Park," Daveed suggested, cutting the topic, and attempting to set up his next plan.

"Ok!" Emmy said cheerfully, still on a post-show high.

Their hands never dropped one another's while they walked towards the park. The sun was starting to set and the pink and purple hues provided the perfect setting.

As they walked on one of the park's many trails, Daveed dropped Emmy's hand. He ran his hand over his pocket and subtly shifted the box. "I got you something," he said, before slowly dropping down on one knee.

Emmy's eyes widened and her hands immediately flew to her cheeks watching him kneel there in the middle of the park. She immediately connected the dots of what he was doing and her heart began to beat erratically. With the pink sky as his backdrop, Daveed continued, "Emily Raver, I want to spend forever with you, will you marry me?" he asked as he opened the box presenting the ring he had chosen just a week ago.

"Absolutely," she said with full confidence, taking hold of his hands. Daveed stood and pressed his lips against hers in yet another lingering kiss. "I love you," was all he could say when he pulled away. He had known she was likely to say yes but hearing the word and having it out there sent feelings that made him nearly tear up.

"I love you too," Emmy said in response and watched as he slid the ring on her finger, "D, this is beautiful." She truly couldn't believe the sight on her finger. She always knew they'd be tied together forever, but now, with this ring that sparkled for miles, it was fully permanent and she'd forever have a token symbolizing their forever.

"I'm glad you like it," he smiled back at her.

Once the ring was on, Emmy wrapped her arms around him and pulled him in for a hug. So many emotions rushed through the two of them in the moment. "So this is why you were so weird this morning," she giggled.

"Maybe it was part of it," Daveed said sarcastically.

Emmy continued to laugh and stare at the ring on her finger. It was perfect, the night was perfect, and everything just felt so good. She looked in between them, down at her belly. It made her feel good to know that their child was joining parents who'd promised a life with each other. "I know I said yes...," she started, "But I just have one little condition... can we wait for a wedding? I'm not trying to be pregnant at the wedding," she laughed.

"As long as you want," he kissed her forehead, "As long as you want," he repeated once more, holding her as the stars fell around them.

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