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He was asking her today. That was the only thing on his mind as he woke up this morning. He was going to ask her to be his girlfriend, or at least find out where they stood. Either way, some kind of label was going to be put on their situationship. He was sure of it.

She'd be over in a little bit, and they were going to spend the whole day together. Somewhere in that time he was making it his mission to tell her how he felt. He had fully fallen for her and all he wanted was to shout it from the rooftops. But telling her first would be nice too.

Daveed jumped in the shower and got dressed, putting on his nicest t-shirt and favorite cologne, not that it would make any difference. He straightened up his hair and then sat back down to wait for her. He was so head over heels for her and he couldn't bear to wait any longer. It was just a matter of time, 38 minutes to be exact.

He turned on the tv to have some noise to backup his thoughts. No one else was in the room, it was just him. He'd told Rafa that Emmy was coming over and he agreed to stay out all day. Knowing him he'd find some girl to hang out with himself. And knowing what he'd been up to the last week, it'd probably be Mary.

A knock on the door let him know that he'd spent 38 minutes staring into a void, his mind completely consumed. He quickly jumped from the bed and headed to the door, not before straightening up his clothes and hair, and spraying one more squirt of cologne.

He opened the door and greeted her with a smile, "Hello," he said, his dimples coming out from the wide grin that had attached itself to his face.

"Hi," Emmy said sweetly, stepping towards him. They shared a light kiss before she fully entered the room.

"How are you? Daveed asked as he closed the door behind her.

"I'm good," she replied softly. She turned around to face him, "How are you?"

"Good, really good," he stepped towards her, "I missed you."

"Just saw you yesterday," she giggled.

"And?" Daveed questioned before stepping even closer and pressing a soft kiss on her forehead.

Emmy blushed and shook her head. "What do you want to do today?"

"Watch Tv and-" he lowered his voice before adding, "Cuddle,"

"What was that?" Emmy asked. She heard him clearly but wanted to tease him anyways.

Daveed pretended to cough and repeated himself, "Cuddle."

Emmy giggled once more. Daveed was more than comfortable with his masculinity which made it even funnier that he still had the inherent hesitation on admitting he wanted to cuddle with her.

"C'mere you goof," she laughed and took his hand towards his bed. Daveed's bed was raised even higher than hers so she really had to pull herself up. She strained slightly, weakness from lack of sleep and all the throwing up yesterday made it harder than usual to get up. The nausea increased from the strain but she was able to hide it.

Daveed followed behind her and laid out next to her on the bed. He wrapped his arms around her, becoming the big spoon to her little. He leaned his head on top of hers, making a warm nest between the two of them.

"Hmm," Emmy sighed pleasantly. She loved to cuddle too, just being with him was something she'd never bore of. It was such a comforting feeling, and almost made everything go away.

"Grey's?" Daveed asked, looking over at the girl in his arms. Emmy's eyes were closed but she nodded her head anyways. "Tired?" he asked, taking his thumb and slowly rubbing it across her forehead.

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