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Daveed and Emmy turned down the sidewalk officially marking their entrance back to campus. All day they had been in and out of apartments ranging from large to shoebox style.

With a call to his parents and another round of apologies, promises, and convincing, they had a budget. Some grounds to work with as they looked in  all directions of the intense real estate market.

Everything was moving so fast, it had to, but that didn't make it any less to process. In all the places they had walked through today, Emmy had individual realizations that this could be the place she brought a baby home to, the place she lived in with her lifelong friend, and one where they'd grow together as lovers, partners, and parents.

Her head swiveled to look at him, she could tell he was thinking just as hard as she was. She had left him awake yesterday so there was really no telling how long he'd stayed up, sitting at his computer scrolling through every real estate website he could find and crunching every number. Every step of the way during this pregnancy, he had put in so much work. She was truly so amazed at just how much he was doing for her and the baby.

"Did you have a favorite today?" she broke up the silence they had been moving through.

"I can't stop thinking about the 2 bedroom and
studio. That one was killer," his tone echoing the awe of his words.

"With the wrap around windows? That one was beautiful," Emmy's head nodded in agreement.

"Did you really like it too?" his eyes widened with surprise at their same paged position.

"It's definitely one of my favorites, plenty of room for the three of us," she said. At the mention of three, her hand fell down to her stomach, sending their little one a message that they were being thought of.

"Well," Daveed smirked as his eyebrows lifted, "This is fast. I know, but you know this market- I saw this place last night when I was looking and... it fits. It's the smallest amount outside budget but we can negotiate and... it could be ours, Emmy."

"You want to get it like... right now?" she asked, her eyes widening this time as she stopped their footsteps.

"I mean, not this second, but.. call an agent tonight? If it was both of our favorites and we can afford it with all that space- I don't think we'll find anything else like it," he replied.

"Ok," she said bluntly, a smile making its way to her features, "I already packed anyways, and it's not like I got anywhere else to go," she rubbed her belly one more time.

Daveed stepped towards her and wrapped his arm around to pull her into a side hug. He started to grin to himself as they started to walk again, light chuckling sounds coming out of his mouth.

"What?" Emmy asked, confused by the random laughter.

"I'm just- I was thinking about when I used to chase you around in the neighborhood and you'd fall and scrape every inch of skin off your knees. I don't know why, but us getting a place together sent me back. I think I would've laughed in your face if somebody said back then we'd be together having a baby and shit," he laughed once more.

"You telling me... you weren't a huge catch yourself," she joined in on his laughter."

"Excuse me," he put his hand to the center of his chest in fake shock, "I have always been a man of the ladies."

"Of course," she winked, walking up the stairs towards their dorm building.


Jasmine curled deeper into Anthony's chest, his presence her preferred way to self soothe. Her head moved up and down as she tried to gain comfort. Her voice sighing yet again, releasing the pain she held within.

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