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April 2021

"I don't want to," Emmy said, shaking the white envelope folded in her hands, "You go first."

Today was the day she had been waiting on for what felt like a lifetime. Her whole future was inside the envelope, everything she had been aiming for for the last 4 years.

Emmy had been anxiously awaiting this day since high school began but especially for the last few weeks. She put everything she had into her auditions and essays and had lost sleep thinking about the results she currently was too afraid to open.

"Fine," Jas said, moving to open her own envelope, "Wait... why don't we do it at the same time?"

It was only right, Emmy thought. Since she had met Jas in second period freshman English they had done everything together. "Ok, let's do it," she replied, "1..2..3"

Emmy ripped apart the white casing. Her eyes glazed over the black print.

Dear Ms. Raver Lampman,

We are pleased to share that you have been accepted into the Theatre Arts and Drama program here at Marymount Manhattan College, beginning in the upcoming fall semester.

She didn't read anymore before looking up to Jasmine and screaming. Jasmine was screaming as well, her results presumably the same as Emmy's.

"I GOT IN!!" Emmy cheered at her friend.

"ME TOO," Jas said wide eyed at the fact that they had both had made it.

On that first day of English, Jasmine and Emmy had bonded over their shared boredom and that bond grew even more when they saw each other again in 6th period theatre. They quickly grew close when a group assignment led to the discovery that they also shared dreams of being on Broadway. Since then they had been inseparable.

After the initial shock wore off, Emmy pulled Jasmine into a tight hug.

"We made it," she cried, "We're moving to New York."

"We did it," Jas said, her own tear dropping to Emmy's shoulder, "I knew you would."

"You too, Jas," she replied as she pulled away from the hug.

More tears, screams, and celebrations were shared in the corner of their high school hallways. The ringing of the last bell of the day was their cue to leave and the pair raced to the Lampman house to share their news.

Just like childhood, Emmy's house had always been the hangout for all her friends. She was an only child so she'd constantly have friends over, those friends quickly becoming adopted children to her parents.

Once they ran into the doorway, they were greeted by Mrs. Raver Lampman who was prepping some vegetables.

"What's with all the commotion?" she asked as the girls ran, literally leaped into the door.

"Mom! Mom! Mom! Mom! Guess what!" Emmy smiled from ear to ear.

"What Em," her mother giggled.

"ME AND JAS GOT INTO MARYMOUNT MANHATTEN," she yelled although her mom was right in front of her. Pure joy had overtaken Emmy's face, her eyes were wide, and her cheeks were as red as the tomatoes that sat before her.

"Girls!! That's amazing! I'm so proud of y'all," she said, taking them both into a big bear hug. She squeezed her daughter and might-as-well-be daughter in a hug for a while, shaking them all with excitement.

Once they pulled away, Emmy ran upstairs to share the news with her dad while Jas stayed downstairs.

"Dad! Dad! Dad! Dad!," Jasmine and Mrs. Raver Lampman could hear as Emmy's feet bounced up the stairs.

It wasn't too long before those same feet came bouncing right back down the stairs, the fast running mimicking horse gallops.

Emmy ran back into the kitchen where her mom and Jasmine had remained. She was still smiling as wide as she could, the smile that hadn't left since she read the letter.

Ever since she had decided on pursuing theatre for a living she had been set on moving to New York City. She was obsessed with the city as a whole and felt it was the only way for her to make it on Broadway. Her parents had always been in full support but had still wanted her to go to school for a backup plan. Marymount Manhattan checked all the boxes for her, and now, making it in felt like a dream come true.

It was the same way for her best friend, except that Jas was the one who told Emmy about Marymount. After that one conversation, it was all over. Freshman Jasmine and Emmy had to make it into Marymount, they had to live together and New York, and they had to be on Broadway together.

Nearly 4 years later, they were here. It wasn't without issues, many hills and valleys had come forth in those years, but all that mattered now was the two letters sitting on Emmy's kitchen counter.

"Omg, Jas we have to go shopping, Emmy excitedly exclaimed, "Lets see, we need clothes, decorations, furniture... Omg! We have to get an apartment!"

"Slow down, Em, y'all have plenty of time," Emmy's mom jumped in as she carried the cut vegetables to their outdoor table.

"Ok but I want to get started nowww," She whined, following her mom outside.

"She kiiiinda got a point Ems, but we can start thinking about decorations," Jas shrugged with a smile, "No harm in that."

"Fine," Emmy playfully rolled her eyes.

"Thanks Jazzy," Mrs. Raver- Lampman winked at the young girl.

The three of them had headed out the back door where Mrs. Lampman had set down the tray of veggies. She and Jasmine had taken a seat in the chairs but Emmy had remained standing.

Emmy placed her hands together on her chest. One short day in the Emerald City, she sang. She started to sway and turn as she continued singing. One short day in the Emerald City. One short day full of so much to do.

"Wicked," she said, holding up her finger, "That should be our first Broadway show, you Glinda, me Elphaba.. no- me Glinda, you Elphaba... no- me Elpha...."

"Emmy, you're insane," Jasmine laughed, "and you do know we can't just walk onto a show right?"

"You may not be able to but I can," she said, giggling at her own joke and strutting to her seat.

"What am I going to do with you?" Mrs. Raver- Lampman shook her head and popped a carrot into her mouth.

"How long is college exactly?" Jas snarked.

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