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Emmy had 5 classes on her schedule. There was your basic History and English however all the rest were exclusively devoted to growing her craft. There was a Dance and Choreography class, an Acting class, and lastly, Set Design and Production. It was a pretty busy course load and on top of that they had a "Rehearsal Block" that would either be used for extra training or to practice for the show they were doing.

She loved it though. She had been dreaming of this for so long that she could take 15 of the most rigorous courses and still be as happy as can be.

Right now, she was heading to the rehearsal block. It was only the second day of classes so she wasn't sure what they'd be doing yet.

"I heard we would have auditions today," Jas said half-freaked out. They were walking down the sidewalk, Jasmine, Emmy, and Mary, to the auditorium across the way. They had become sort of the three musketeers.

"I don't think so," Emmy said unsurely.

"Probably not," Mary reassured, "And if we do, I'm sure they won't be too cutthroat considering we had no warning."

"Y'all probably right," Jasmine said as she took a deep breath.

As they walked, Emmy took a look around campus. From here she could see the quad, the student center, and all kinds of buildings that held other classes. Students were scattered all over, some leisurely strolling, while others were rushing off to places unknown.

After the short walk, the three of them were approaching the large, dome-shaped building with letters that spelled MARYMOUNT MANHATTEN PERFORMING ARTS CENTER.

There three girls walked in and the sight was almost as scattered as the view outside. Students and faculty were everywhere doing little bits of everything. With the way the building was laid out, the doors opened to a lobby area that had more doors that lead into the main auditorium. Emmy wasn't completely ready when she walked in the second set of doors.

She had visited Marymount a couple times but there was nothing like standing at the top of the massive auditorium and knowing that you would be on this stage. She was nearly frozen in wonder when Mary snapped her out of it.

"Omg lets go!" she said, excitedly as she started to run down the steps to get to the pit of the stage.

Jas followed her and Emmy was the last to join in. Their teacher was standing near the stage too, currently sitting in a seat on the computer, waiting for everyone to arrive.

Jasmine, Emmy, and Mary were about 5 minutes  early so they didn't have to wait too long for everyone to pile in. There were so many people in this rehearsal block- Marymount was very popular for theater. And that was another thing, all theatre majors had rehearsal block at the same time, no matter the year.

Emmy nearly jumped out of their small circle of freshman when she saw a curly head peeking over Jasmine's head. That oh-so familiar figure was turned away from her and she could literally only see a fragment of his scalp but she knew. She knew it could only be one person.

She was snapped out of this little daze once again, but this time it was by her professor. Professor Lorraine, who insisted they call her Lora, stood from her chair and began to speak.

"Ok, first things first, we either become a family or get nothing accomplished, so I want everyone to form a circle," she started, "Come on, I know you like your little huddles but you'll get back to them sooner or later."

The group began to bend and fold and everyone moved around to form a circle. Emmy, Jasmine, and Mary had stayed right next to each other and Daveed was only a couple people down.

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