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"35 Old Wives Tales to Find Out Your Baby's Gender" was bolded at the top of Emmy's phone screen. She had read dozens of these lists, scrolled through hundreds of the years old strategies that would somehow guess what she was carrying. And it wasn't that she really believed on them, but she was so eager to know that'd she try anything. That and she was starting to have trouble sleeping.

This all brought her to standing in front of her mirror at 4am, just staring at the position of her belly. Ok so high equals girl and low is boy, or wait, maybe it's low is girl and high is boy, hold on baby, she thought to herself before referencing the list still on her phone. Alright, are you high or low?, she thought once more.

Her hands fell to turn the bottom of her belly and she turned side to side. "I feel like you're just... middle," this time she spoke out-loud, "Ok what else?" She read over how wanting sweet foods, getting acne, and being moody could also mean she's having a girl, but honestly, these all just felt like pregnancy symptoms.

Emmy decided to put down the list and try to soak up the last few hours before her early appointment. They had made it early so Daveed could join her before class but that only left her with very few hours of sleep remaining. She climbed back in the bed and spooned herself into Daveed. Without the slightest open of his eyes, he wrapped his arms around her and pulled her in as if she had been there all along.

It was all the same when he'd woken up 3 hours later, having no idea that his partner had spent the majority of the night moseying around. He got out of bed and ran his hands aside the head of her sleeping frame. "Time to get up babe," he said softly.

"Don't wanna," she whimpered and attempted to turn to the other side, a feat that took much more effort now that a 22 week fetus was strapped onto her.

"C'mon Em, don't you want to see what lil bit it?" he asked.

"Yeah," she said with her eyes still closed shut. It took her a couple moments to get the strength to open them and she sat up slowly in their bed. Daveed grabbed her hand and helped her out of the bed.

The two of them headed towards the bathroom and closet to start getting ready for the day. Daveed showered first since he took a shorter amount of time, and while he was in there, Emmy continued to talk to their baby. "Hey little one," she began over the sound of running water.

Daveed walked out of the bathroom just as she was finishing the conversation. "...and I love you soooo much," she spoke words that completely melted his heart.

"Daddy loves you too," Daveed added with a rub to her belly. Emmy went in to shower while Daveed got dressed. He put on a pink t-shirt and some blue pants, an outfit he felt was perfect for the occasion. He sat on the bed, waiting for Emmy to come out so he could show it off.

The door pushed open and he stood up. "Look," he said, motioning down himself.

"Look at what?" she asked confusedly.

"My outfit," Daveed responded.

"A t-shirt and jeans," she laughed, "D, you wear that everyday."

"No," he scoffed lightly, "A pink t-shirt and blue jeans. Team boy and girl!" he chuckled.

"You're a mess," she shook her head and grinned, "What are we gonna do with him?" she looked down at her stomach.

Soon enough, Emmy was dressed and they were walking to the doctors office. It was a short walk before they were opening the door and going up the steps to the doctor.

"How are we doing today?" Emmy's doctor greeted them cheerfully as she entered the exam room door.

"Good," Emmy smiled, "Really excited, although, I can't tell you who's more," she pointed to Daveed.

"Hey, today's huge. We're gonna know if we're getting a mini you or a mini me," he said as he rocked back and forth on his jittery heels.

"That you are," the doctor nodded in agreement, "And if y'all are ready we can go ahead and get started.

"We're ready," Daveed and Emmy said nearly at the exact same second.

The doctor fiddled with the machines and then pulled out the gel and transducer she'd be using. While she was doing that, Emmy rolled her shirt up to just above her belly. "Alright Miss Emmy, you know the drill, it's gonna be very cold." she warned before rubbing the jelly on her skin.

Emmy's hand fell off the side of the chair to find Daveed's. Their grasp remained as the doctor rubbed the transducer over her. Their eyes were trained on the moniter and somehow each began to squeeze each other's palms tighter.

"Let's see..." the doctor moved the remote like object around, "I always feel like babies are running away from me," she joked.

Seconds later, what they knew as their baby came into the screen. The doctor adjusted a little more and both Daveed and Emmy collectively gasped. "Oh my god," Emmy half-screamed, her free hand flying over her mouth.

"It's, it's a boy," Daveed said, shock, wow, and awe all clear in his voice.

"It's a boy," Emmy looked up to capture his eyes.

"Wow," was all the words Daveed could make out, "We're having a little boy," tears threatened his eyes.

"It is a boy, right?" Emmy clarified through her own teary voice.

The doctor nodded, "Its 100% a boy," she smiled.

"Guess I wore the wrong shirt," Daveed joked before leaning down and kissing Emmy's forehead.

"You still got your blue jeans," she laughed back.

The doctor took a few pictures for them to keep and then left the room to give them some time. "I can't believe it," Emmy looked over a picture, "It's so real now."

"I know," Daveed nodded, "We real life having a kid. It's still feels wild."

"That's for sure," Emmy agreed before looking down at her stomach, "What's up little guy?" she said sweetly, "I can't wait to meet you. You're already sooo cute," she referenced the pictures that really didn't show much.

Daveed squatted down so he could be heard too. "Hey baby boy. It's your daddy. How's it going in there? Good. Oh that's good," he faked a conversation, "Well let's see," he took a second picture, "Don't tell mommy, but I think you got my head," he whispered.

"I hear you," Emmy shook her head, "but that's ok, he can have my eyes and nose," she shrugged.

"Perfect," Daveed nodded, "You're gonna be a very handsome little man, I can already tell," he smiled, "Daddy can't wait to hold you." With that, he pressed a lingering kiss to Emmy's stomach and stood up.

"Now that we know the gender, I was thinking we could think of names," he said once he was back at her height.

"You really not wasting no time," Emmy giggled.

"Not for Daveed Diggs Jr," he said with a wink.

"I should've known," Emmy rolled her eyes jokingly, "Shouldn't I have baby?" she said to the baby. Emmy stood up and fixed her clothes so that they could leave the office. "C'mon the one and only Daveed Diggs," she laughed as she took his hand and pulled him out the door.

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