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Kim Sunwoo

Sunwoo was suspiciously happy with his life at the moment.

The next day at school Eric surprised Sunwoo with a kiss as soon as they met on the courtyard.

"Be careful, I could get used to this." Sunwoo beamed as Eric sat down in front of him.

"Yeah, well, that's kind of the idea." Eric replied with a chuckle. "What are you working on?"

"An essay. I was supposed to finish this yesterday but I could barely focus on my school work long enough to open the assignments. I'm just writing as much as I can to get a decent grade." Sunwoo explained, typing away on his computer.

"You shouldn't have missed so much school because of me. It's not fair to you." Eric frowned.

"It wasn't you, Eric. Please don't blame yourself. This was all me. It wasn't too much anyway I can probably catch up before the end of the month or the trip." Sunwoo reassured him.

"Oh, geez. The trip." Eric sighed, he got up and swung his backpack over his shoulder.

"What? What about it?" Sunwoo asked.

"Mr. Bae asked me to help with the planning. His son recommended me for the fundraiser to pay for all the rooms they'll need. He wants ideas that'll raise good money and he wants them yesterday." Eric said. "I'll see you later?"

Sunwoo nodded with a smile. "Yeah. Later."

Eric rushed across the courtyard into the main building and Sunwoo turned his attention back to his laptop.


He looked back up to see Chanhee cautiously standing over him.

"Please just listen to me. Just five minutes." He pleaded.

Sunwoo slowly shut his laptop and gestured towards the seat in front of him.

"I'm sorry."

Sunwoo furrowed his eyebrows.

"For?" He asked.

"What you said the night we fought, you were right. I was so caught up in my own world I never actually noticed all that you've been through because of me. I was ungrateful and a horrible friend. So I'm sorry." Chanhee apologized.

"Chanhee, I have no problem sticking up for you and being there when you need me." Sunwoo started. "My problems are where I can't seem to find you or get a hold of you when I need you. It felt like I was nothing more than your crash pad. You did take me for granted."

It looked like the longer Sunwoo spoke, the more guilty Chanhee felt.

"I know and I'm so sorry. I can't even imagine how many times you've needed me and I wasn't there. I know I don't deserve it, but I really would like to be friends again." Chanhee smiled cautiously.

"We can certainly try." Sunwoo smiled back.

Chanhee sighed In relief with a smile.

"So what's going on between you and Eric?" He asked.

"What do you mean?"

"Come on I've been hesitating whether or not to approach you for the past twenty minutes and I witnessed a kiss." Chanhee chuckled.

Sunwoo suddenly blushed and looked down in a poor attempt at hiding it.

"Oh that...I don't- I don't exactly know what we are. I'd been thinking about what you asked me the night we fought. If I had feelings for Eric." Sunwoo started. "I didn't give you an answer because I didn't know. A couple days later I called Changmin and he said I should figure it out before it was too late. The next day in the middle of the night I went to Eric's house. We talked, he showed me his project for a contest he was entering and I just kind of said it."

Chanhee tilted his head. "Said what?"

"That I love him."

Chanhee looked a bit shocked. "Oh, wow. That's a big word."

Sunwoo nodded in agreement. "Yeah. Pretty big. Then he said he thinks he loves me too and he...he kissed me."

"So what, are you guys together now?" Chanhee asked.

Sunwoo shrugged.

"We didn't exactly talk about it. We sat in his backyard and talked for hours after that. Then at about 6 in the morning I went home. I think we still need some time to figure us out." Sunwoo said.

"That's smart. You're both seniors now, you have a huge set of decisions to make. But I don't think you should worry about it too much. If it's real you'll figure it out." Chanhee offered a smile.

"Thank you." Sunwoo smiled back.

Just then the bell for their next class rang across campus.

"Um, so my parents are working late at the hospital tonight. Would it be okay if I stayed over? I can leave as soon as they get home." Chanhee asked.

"Yeah, sure. But my parents are having a client over for dinner so we could just go out to that pizza place we always used to go to." Sunwoo suggested.

"Well, we should get to class. I'll see you after school?" Chanhee said as he stood up.

"Yeah, see ya."

And so they went their separate ways to class.

Sunwoo felt weird about being friends with Chanhee again. It's not that he didn't want to, he was just wondering if it really only took four days for him to come to his senses.

Sunwoo let it go and continued with his day.

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Hey, besties!

First of all I want to say that I am so sorry. I haven't updated this book in nearly a month, most of you have probably already lost interest and I understand. I would too if the author stopped updating. I've been stuck on this book and this month has been such a mess. Financial and family issues.

Again I'm really sorry, I owe you guys more than a 800 word chapter. I at least hope you're still invested in this book:)

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this chapter! I'll see you in the next one!



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