Part 2- show off

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long chapter today so get comfy 


After Steve saw what the cuffs were doing he took me down to Tony and Bruces lab immediately, the place looked awesome, there was colourful vines everywhere along with half finished robot things and random tools carelessly left on the floor or sides. I don't know why Steve brought me too them because they won't take them off me and there's really nothing they can do but tell me to try and not attempt using my powers, and that's exactly what they told me, Steve was displeased with there answer but I was pretty content by it which definitely confused them all. maybe they expected me to throw a fit or cry or scream but I didn't, why would I? All that would do is pro long the time these cuffs stay on, all I need to do is pull some kind of acting skills out my ass for the time being. I'll be the 'miss understood pretty girl who just wants to be part of the team' HA, this is going to be too much fun. 

wanda-"you do know I can read minds right?" I swiftly turned to see the girl lurking in the door way with glowing red eyes, she was beautiful, and at that thought she blushed.

y/n-"forgive me, I just really don't want to be here and the pain these things cause" lifting up my wrists "only fuels my anger" she smiled sadly at me as I walked out the lab and back to the elevator, the doors shut and I was finally alone. Steve didn't follow me, I suspect they are all gossiping about my new found voice, but I was glad he didn't because I like being alone. I don't enjoy anyone's company unless that someone is a character from the many books I read, loneliness is a funny concept. "loneliness,Such a negative word with such a beautifully misunderstood meaning." 

loki-"wow, really inspirational, you should write that down" he laughed ignorantly as he returned to reading his book in the shared lounge. I was so consumed in my thoughts I don't even remember getting to the floor, or saying that out loud. I brushed off his comment and kept my poker face to avoid further embarrassment, I jumped onto the couch but I didn't like it so I swiftly moved to the cold floor which happened to give me the perfect view of the book name loki was reading. 

y/n-"I love that book, I think I've read it lover 1000 times" I smiled at him, the first genuine smile i've shown to anyone in years and I think he new that somehow, "could- could you- I mean if you want to- maybe-" he smirked at my attempt to ask him to read it aloud and without me even finishing my awkwardly Brocken sentence he began to read aloud without a question asked. After an hour he'd also moved to the floor, my head lay next to him, i'd drifted to sleep at some point and he just admired my beauty. he didn't mean to stare but he couldn't help himself and he didn't know why, he didn't like this new feeling, in fact he hated how much he loved it. he stood up slowly draping a blanket over her sleeping figure and went to his room.

I woke up in a cold sweat, I was still on the floor and all the lights were out making it super hard to see, I stood up and put my arms out in front of me trying to find my way hoping id bump into a wall that would lead me to my room, but I didn't, I bumped into something or should I saw someone who was defiantly not wearing a top and DEFIANTLY has muscles I mean chiselled like a god ripped. which was Ironic because as the figure flipped a switch making the lights turn on, my hands were still on his abs and he was no god. Bucky. I jumped back still holding eye contact with him, he just smirked at me but not in a sexy way I mean he's super sexy but this smirk was more like a warning to stay away, he was kinda scary, If I didn't still have these stupid cuffs on I'd totally look into that messed up head of his. SHIT. The cuffs began to burn my wrist again, this shit is getting annoyingly repetitive, Bucky walked closer to me but not to ask if I was okay, no. he got his face so close to mine our noses touched and he spoke slowly and quietly "did you just try and get in my head doll" his face was dead serious, like if I answered him he'd kill me instantly and if I didn't he'd still hurt me for fun, but I can't show he's getting to me. 

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