Part 42- little white lies

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~buckys pov~

"this is totally a two percent moment"

I could have cried with happiness, I have her and she's safe and- and she's my doll again.

I scooped her up into my arms, as she passed her energy drifted back into her body from around the room. I took her to Steve and we both ran back to the jet where everyone waited, most of us had bruises and cuts but none like y/n's, her stomach and legs got the worst of it, nothing bruce couldn't treat. I cant believe even without her memories or knowledge of her powers, she still manages to save herself.

she's beautiful and kind and...she deserves better.

wanda glanced over at me with sad eyes, I grimaced, the thought of her inside my head made me see red. "stay the hell out of my head." venom coated my words and she turned away.

~y/n pov~

I woke up in a lab it looked familiar, was I back in a memory, am I still in that white room. a group of people gathered close but not too close. I still backed up in the Hospital bed as much as I could to signal them to stay where they were. my vision slowly focused and I recognised each one of them. "hey I recognise you guys" I watched as their faces lit up.

Tony-"wait... do you know our names?"

"yeah. Aren't you guys the avengers" and there it was, there eyes dulled and smiles fell, I'd hit a nerve and I'm not sure how. "I saw you in the white room...and I saw this room" I pointed at bucky. "Is this real or a memory or-" I stopped myself trying to get my brain to remember and comply with me.

nat-"guys yelena should be here with the formula, she'll be herself by the end of the day." she spoke only to the blonde haired man, his eyes were crazy bright, it was kinda hard to look at him because when I did I just- I had flashes of-

the stairwell. "holy shit." they all jumped at my raised vioce and pale face staring at the blonde haired man. "we had sex!" I basically screamed causing his face to turn bright red, the red head just laughed patting his back whilst bucky looked like he was about to kill him.

wanda-"your starting to remember things, that's good" her smile was so warming, it felt like home. 

"where is she!" a vioce echoed from outside the room before a man with long black hair ran in... loki, loki!

"loki?" tears fell from my eyes, this man, this is the person I grieved so deeply. "I'm sorry I dont know why I'm crying, I just feel like im grieving you. I know it sounds stupid, I mean we dont even know each other I just-" he pulled me in for a hug. his sent was so familiar. he smelt like home. the others who were still in the room began to cry with me, what did they know? this must mean something to them aswell, maybe me and loki were together or something.

wanda burst out laughing through her tears making everyone jump. "what the hell wanda!" bucky growled.

wanda-"she-y/n your not dating loki" she could barely get the word out through her laughs, bucky frowned angrily and loki just winked.

y/n-"okay wait let me try this, so your loki, your bouncy-no!-bucky" he smiled widely "wanda, nat, Steve, Tony, bruce, Clint, pietro, vision and Peter" I pointed at each when I said there name. "was that right?"

Clint-"I am not pietro! I dont even look like a pietro, I-" the man held his chest like I'd pushed a knife into it.

Tony-"enough. it was close enough kid, we'll leave you to rest."

"I'm not a kid" I mumbled back not even meaning to do so, I slapped my hand over my mouth but the man-was it Steve? No. Tony, yeah Tony just smirked at me before he left.

The next few days went on like that, I said things I didn't mean to and everyone seemed more than happy when the outbursts would occur, I don't know why but I dont like my room, it smells like dead plants and reminds me of something horrible, something that's on the tip of my mind I just cant quite remember.

I still don't know why the avengers want me to stay, I mean yeah they saved me but i'm positive they don't treat all the people they save like this...weird.

me and Steve have gotten, close. only because his friend Bucky, the one who stalked me in a bar, is now avoiding me. I guess I had been busy, between training with wanda to get this green mist shit under control and trying to remember, I really havnt had time to pull him up on it.

today though, today I had plenty of time. half the team were on a mission, the other half training  or sleeping, and I had the whole day free. A whole day to get Bucky to crack and tell me why he doesn't like me. "Hey Bucky do you want to-" a door to the face. nice. 

okay so my first attempt of just knocking on his door to speak to him failed, let's try something else. "OH NO PLEASE DON'T KILL ME" nothing, really? I thought that would work, apparently he doesn't care when I'm screaming obnoxiously loud for my life. one thing keeps coming to mind and for some reason I've been ignoring it but its nearly lunch time...yes I was shouting for a while... so I guess this is my last hope.

knock knock knock

bucky-"y/n piss off" I hid in the vents and watched as he opened his door to the gift I left him, I-i dont know how I did it, I just focus on the thought and it appeared. A never ending mini plum tree. god knows why I thought of it, so don't laugh at how stupid it sounds. god does he hate it? why isn't he moving? he scooped the gift into his hand astonished almost by it, he looked around for me before his eyes met the vent, my breathing stopped, our eyes had met. for the first time since I woke up.

and there incredible. the best eyes I've ever seen.

Bucky -"who put you up to this" I jumped down from the vent to stand infront of him.


Bucky-"you cant use your magic yet so who-"

"I had magic before?"

Bucky-"that doesn't matter. answer my question"

''my head told me, so I did. I clearly shouldn't rely on my mind but I thought this was different''

bucky-"it is. god I l-" 

"no you dont." there I go again blurting things out. I swear I didnt even want my mouth to move, it just did. he could clearly see my distress at my own actions and didnt show his hurt hoping it would sooth me. it didnt. she's so pretty. I miss her. I cant wait to get her back. "god can you be quiet please, your reminding me of when we went undercover and you just pissed me off so much I swear I could have kil-"

bucky-"what" my head started to pound as the trip came back to me, the bed, the cold, his lips.

''chris'' I smiled looking him in the eyes 

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