Part 33- And then there was light

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I stared at my unrecognisable reflection, my hair and makeup flawless-or as flawless as makeup can look-, my dress cinched my waist and flowed to the floor, it hugged my chest nicely and I looked HOT. Like a goddess.

I was already about an hour late for the party, no one knows i'm coming and they sure as hell won't be expecting me, even before the raft I would refuse every party invitation I could so everyone gave up asking in the end. Tonight I wasn't to let loose, live a little, you know?

The elevator doors opened and the party was in full swing, most people slightly tipsy now but it didn't distract there eyes from following me as I gracefully entered. I walked straight to the bar and ordered a drink along with a couple shots. I noticed a man approach but didn't look his way.

?-"Hey you look b-"

bucky-"fucking gorgeous" pulling me into a passionate kiss wrapping his arms around my waist holding me to him possessively, he glared at the male who quickly walked away making me laugh. After all our history and everything we've been through he still acts as though any guy could whisk me away, it's hilarious because it's only him for me-even though steves sex was good- I'm joking! maybe.

we walked over to the group where I happily accepted the compliments they bombarded me with.

The party started to die down leaving the team and I drunk and playful, we played truth or dare, we tried to lift Thors hammer which I didn't bother to try at because we all know I could lift it if I tried, and then the fun died, the smiles fell, and he appeared.

An unrecognisable, undoubtably evil, villain, no, robot?

His voice echoed through the room. willingness is a weakness. It kept repeating as we all whisper shouted to Tony asking what the hell was going on.

ultron-"This is the era for change and I think I'll be successful after seeing the effect a fake book had on you all, especially you my weapon" he looked at me with his LED eyes, as fake and funny as they were to look at, it scared me that they looked full of life. Everyone stood still as his voice continued to echo towards us-me, we'd been waiting, preparing for this time to come and hear we are motionless.

Breaking the silence I spoke up, "I am not your weapon, I am no ones weapon." I spoke confidently but something about the bots demeanour frightened me inside.

His robotic laugh knocked my confident facade to dust, everyone stood still in there battle positions until Thor crushed he bot to nothing with just a swing of his hammer, I felt Buckys arm wrap around my waist protectively, I turned to look at him, to reassure him it was okay but when I saw his face-his eyes, something was wrong.

Before my thoughts could finish dissecting buckys persona more robots crashed into the room from all different directions, I watched in -in fear?- as my family fought against each one, why wasn't I moving? why wasn't I helping? I'm meant to be all powerful, all knowing or some bullshit like that, so why the hell am I hesitating.

come on you got this. control. it's all about control.

moving my body, preparing it for the power I was about to release- Ultron returned, in a different bots form, what the hell?

ultron-"you, little girl are quite extraordinary, everything I've read about you, all those secret files fury hid, you are-"

y/n-"the fucking devil" I smirked sarcastically before unleashing fire... fire?... FIRE!

oh shit.

everyone ducked for cover as the fire spread from my body burning the metal until nothing remained, as ultron melted away he sang something, a biblical verse, he sang it for us all to hear.

ultron-"How you have fallen from heaven,

O star of the morning, son of the dawn!

You have been cut down to the earth,

You who have weakened the nations!"

The song died out the more he melted to nothing, once it stopped and the fire returned to my soul, I turned to the others, that was no help they all looked just as shocked and confused as I did, apart from bucky- his eyes just lingered around the room at anything but me.

bruce-"Isaiah 14:12, a verse about-about the devil"

nope. not doing this read between the lines bullshit, not today, not tomorrow. no sir!

everyone got the message I didnt want to talk about anything that had happened when I Ignored bruce and began cleaning the room, they sound joined but when I clicked my fingers and the green mist faded- the room now clean. I headed to my room. Alone. ALONE!

where was bucky? where was his smile and shoulder to cry on? or his re-assuring back rubs. what's going on with him? 


hey guys 

sorry the updates have been really slow, I am on holiday and am trying my hardest to find time to publish more chapters, by next week the updates will be much quicker.


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